forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@TeamMezzo group

Von Montag bis Freitag besuche ich vormittags die Schule. Der Unterricht dauert meistens bis um 13 Uhr. Manchmal habe ich nach der Mittagspause noch einmal Unterricht. In der Mittagspause können wir essen oder uns ausruhen. Viele machen auch ihre Hausaufgaben in der Mittagspause. Nach der Schule muss ich die Hausaufgaben machen. Dafür brauche ich meistens nicht sehr viel Zeit. Oft nur eine Stunde. Danach habe ich Freizeit und kann machen, was ich möchte. Montags gehe ich am Nachmittag zum Sport. Ich spiele Tennis. Viele meiner Freunde machen Sport nach der Schule. Manche haben auch Musikunterricht.

Dienstag und Donnerstag gehe ich außerdem zum Fußballtraining. Ich spiele mit meinem Bruder und vielen Freunden in einer Mannschaft. Am Samstag oder am Sonntag sind oft Spiele gegen die anderen Fußballvereine, das macht am meisten Spaß.

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ADHD brains have low levels of a neurotransmitter called norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is linked arm-in-arm with dopamine.

Dopamine is the thing that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure center.

The ADHD brain has impaired activity in four functional regions of the brain.

  1. Frontal Cortex

This region controls high-level functions:

Executive Function

  1. Limbic System

This region is located deeper in the brain. It regulates our emotions and attention.

  1. Basal Ganglia

A deficiency here can cause inter-brain communication & information to “short-circuit.” That results in inattention or impulsivity.

  1. Reticular Activating System

This is the major relay system among the many pathways that enter & leave the brain. A deficiency here can cause inattention, impulsivity, or hyperactivity.

ADHD is a complex neurological condition. For more about the ADHD brain, visit

@Mojack group

Name: (This could be many things. It might be numbers, it might be a codename, it might be both.)
Cell: (What does their cell look like? Doesn’t have to be an entire essay. Is their cell humid? Does it have water in it? Does it look like a normal room?)
Abilities: (What sort of abilities do they have?)
Attire: (Optional, as some Anomalies might not be humanoids. Or they can’t wear it for whatever reason.)
Extra info:

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Name: Harley Michels
Age: 32
Gender: female
S.O: straight
Background: She is a Harvard graduate. She was immediately shipped to the labs when she graduated, and she has been studying the anomalies since.
Job: Scientist
Appearance: Tall and slim, she has light brown hair and green eyes. Her skin is pale, since she doesn't get a lot of sun pent up in her lab.
Attire: A long white lab coat over a white-collared shirt and black pants.
Personality: Very amiable, but can seem distracted. If someone were to ask her what she was thinking at any given moment, it would be about one of the anomalies.
Extra info: She is deeply fascinated by the anomalies, and is usually the one who tries to interact with them. There have been several instances when something has tried to eat, roast, or in various other ways kill her. Still, she views intelligent anomalies with curiosity and some respect.

Name: 049 (Yes this is a reference)
Gender: unknown
Cell: It looks like a normal room, but if you look closely you can see dolls piled in the corners.
Personality: Very shy, but fiercely loyal to any who have shown it kindness.
Abilities: 049 is able to control inanimate objects for short amounts of time; it does this daily with the dolls.
Weaknesses: It is susceptible to loud noises.
Appearance: Humanoid in appearance, it has elognated, bony fingers, arms, legs, and feet.
Attire: (Optional, as some Anomalies might not be humanoids. Or they can’t wear it for whatever reason.)
Extra info:

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@TeamMezzo group

Hey! I have a bit of bad news… I'm going to be leaving notebook for a while. From May 29th to about August 17th, we'll be gone. Over the summer break, we won't have anywhere to log in. I'm really, really sorry. I don't wanna leave this roleplay, I just figured I should let you know.

@TeamMezzo group

We'll miss you!

Thank you! I don't wanna leave, it's what must happen.

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