forum My problems with the community
Started by @Reblod flag

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@Pickles group

So. Was. I. Not sure if this was on PVC or not, but he threatened to murder us and said he wished we died in WW2
He took it too far. So people responded.

@Pickles group

Let's not…. We can be/are better than that…. Now back to my scheduled weekly break!

Better than discussing something that happened in the past or better than putting ourselves down over a bitch being terrible?


PVC mod here
it was started by death man, but it wasn’t solely his fault
we took things way beyond too far instead of just ignoring the trolls, and it got our chat shut down

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Ok…. Just gonna say that in no way am I defending Deathman and his actions. What he said was not acceptable.

Now, I'm also going to say that this too is one of the problems on this site; talking about someone behind their back.

@Pickles group

I only meant to bring up the situation as an EXAMPLE not for them to get jumped on again. Please just drop it….

Oh yeah let's just move on from the creepy kid who claimed to be stalking us and wanted us dead yeah I'm sure he's changed
Spoiler alert: he hasn't.


I only meant to bring up the situation as an EXAMPLE not for them to get jumped on again. Please just drop it….

Jumped on??? He threatened multiple users, and if I remember correctly, made trans and homophobic comments, was just generally an ass, and you expect us not to talk about it after it gets brought up?


I only meant to bring up the situation as an EXAMPLE not for them to get jumped on again. Please just drop it….

Jumped on??? He threatened multiple users, and if I remember correctly, made trans and homophobic comments, was just generally an ass, and you expect us not to talk about it after it gets brought up?

I didn't remember correctly, it was a different user who made trans/homophobic comments, but the fact remains that Death Man is/was an ass

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Yes, he went to far, but my point was that We, I, everyone there started it first. We attacked and made fun of him behind his back. Then he showed up and started retaliating.
It got out of hand after that really fast, and WE started insulting him and calling him really rally horrible names.
That's when myself and several people called andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) in to shut it down.

@Pickles group

Actually I just went back and looked and it started as someone complaining about certain things some roleplayers do, admitting it was Deathman, and people venting about their own shitty, weird, and creepy experiences with his inappropriate behavior. Then he came in and started insulting us and calling us names. People addressed him, trying to be polite. And Ella told him he was being extremely immature, especially since he's apparently 17. He also lacked the ability to spell anything right, but that's neither here nor there. He started claiming we didn't know what he was going through (extremely rudely, I should add) and making up a bunch of bullshit. People started being more blunt, and not even rude, and his own responses continued to escalate.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

The other thing is is a lot of the worse stuff that happened was deleted.
And my point still stands that we were the collective ones to start it.


The other thing is is a lot of the worse stuff that happened was deleted.
And my point still stands that we were the collective ones to start it.

they started it? by venting about a user who'd been creeping others out? on a venting chat?

@Pickles group

The other thing is is a lot of the worse stuff that happened was deleted.

You mean like when he created another account named the n word and repeatedly just said the n word?

And my point still stands that we were the collective ones to start it.

Uhhh, no. We didn't attack him, we didn't make fun of him, and he didn't respond appropriately at all. And how hypocritical ironic is it that you're defending him when you were at the forefront of everything? And that you brought him up and are getting mad when we're upset that he threatened us?

@Pickles group

By talking about someone behind their back.
Doesn't matter why. It's still wrong.

They didn't. Literally go read it, hon.


i’m not fully caught up on this so I don’t know what’s going on but uh
we definitely talk about people behind their backs
like a lot
and DM is no exception
it’s a serious problem on this site and we need to not