forum Late-Night or just plain strange text convos, please
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@HighPockets group

Supposedly like whatever they tell you it is. Are humans red meat? I don't remember

I've heard that it's supposed to taste like pork.

I always tune out for the cannibal parts of my podcasts

I learned it from Binging with Babish.

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

January like two years ago:
J: That is your fifth glass of mtn. Dew, are you okay?
me: it tastes like sadness…
H: y'all are gonna sleep with the fishes.
Me: finally, some good effin sleep around here, god damn…

@HighPockets group

January like two years ago:
J: That is your fifth glass of mtn. Dew, are you okay?
me: it tastes like sadness…
H: y'all are gonna sleep with the fishes.
Me: finally, some good effin sleep around here, god damn…

Bada bing, bada boom


Me: Hot take: Kovu is a furry discount Zuko
Friend: close?
Friend: but not exactly
Friend: zuko has bad dad
Friend: kovu has no dad
Me: They have the same aesthetic

Deleted user

Me: Hot take: Kovu is a furry discount Zuko
Friend: close?
Friend: but not exactly
Friend: zuko has bad dad
Friend: kovu has no dad
Me: They have the same aesthetic

x files theme in the background


March 19, 3:49 am
C:If you die a sudden mysterious death, cam I use your skin to bind a book?
M:Bold of you to assume I don't have a plan for my body once I die
C:I'm being serious though because anthropocentric bibliopegy is probably one of the coolest things I've ever heard about and you're one of the few people I know who'd be (maybe) okay with it.
M: Ask {Name Redacted} about that stuff. She might have heard about it. Also, I kind of am. How about whoever dies first, the other person can use their skin to bind the book
M:But you can only take my skin, nothing else
C: Deal. Do you have an organ donor card already?
C:What's the legal age you can get one?
M:Besides, I'm cremating all of my body besides my skull. Then I'm donating those ashes to a place that can make my ashes into gems and turning them into two dark red gems and putting them in my eye sockets and having a slit on the top on my skull to hold a fancy dagger
C: I have no words for this
M: Why
C: That's amazing
C: Who's gonna use your fancy dagger skull?
M: It will be on the mantel of my descendants
C: Like a fireplace mantel?
M: Yes

Deleted user

april 1, 2:14 am
me: hey, a?
a: what?
me: you should join roller derby, we can slay zombies on skates together.
a: let's be roller derby kings.
me: yes. tell b to get their apocalypse kit.


To answer the questions, M is Me and C is my Cousin. Thank you for the answers on organ donor card and I'm glad people like what I want to do with my body once I die and don't think it is weird.

@Pickles group

L: Hey guys just wanted to let you know that I’m missing all of you
S: Aww missing everyone too!
F: Miss y’all too!!
M: Y'all are out here missing each other but I'm in the corner achieving peak performance by not doing calculus and helping internet friends with quadratic equations lmao
F: Do your calculus
M: Shut up


Last Night/ early this morning

M (Me): Can I sign legal documents in sparkly pen?
C (Cousin): No, only black and blue pen
M: But I have a black pen with sparkles in it. They never specify if anything can be in the ink
C: no
M: Plus imagen how cool it would look to have your name signed in sparkly black ink on your wedding certificate or whatever it is called.
C: only straight black and blue pen
M: But I'm not straight
C: Doesn't matter. The government doesn't approve of your kind all the way, so you have to lead them off your trail
M: "Your Kind"? Makes me feel like a unicorn
C: No, you're more like a kraken, you like the ocean and are willing to drown people
M: And almost nobody believes in me :)
M: But seriously, no glitter pens
C: No