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Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

this is Taylor. I think he forgot along time ago that he gave me his login details for this site

aubbs c

be gentle. don't pry. simply tell him that you're here for him and let him know he can trust you. sometimes it takes time for people to open up about this stuff. if he won't open up right now, than all you can do for him is let him know youre here, stay a loyal friend, and let him know how much you appreciate him. Do this, but also don't baby him. Try and keep things as normal as possible.

Deleted user

even though him and savana have only known each other for a short time, she seems to be the only one that can get through to him over these past couple days but hes trying to shut everyone out

@Rvan group

Austin, I want you to know it will get better and it’d be best if you just told someone. I know it’s hard, when I asked for help, I had been balling my eyes out and it had just been rough
But it’s better now. I can talk to more people about it, and it is in no way redundant. Because you need help, it does not matter if you need help again and again. Help is infinite, all you need to do is ask.

Taylor, I am happy you are there. A good thing you can do is just talk. I don’t know Austin as much as you do, but talking helps. It’s scary to face suicide head on, I know from personal experience. But just let Austin know that you are there, and stay with them.

Deleted user

this is not the first time this has happened over the almost 2&1/2 years that I’ve known him

aubbs c

if he's shutting everyone out than you guys probably pushed him for too much infotmation at once and he got overhwelmed. that isn't anyone's fault, you were just concerned. maybe try to give him a little space but still check up on him and be there for him. sometimes a person needs a little time alone to piece themselves back together.

Deleted user

The previous times weren’t as bad. He wasn’t as determent

@Rvan group

My recommendation would be to call a suicide hotline or 911. Sometimes this is out of your hands, I know it sucks, but it’s probably the best thing to do.

Deleted user

we did that before the first time this happened back in 2016 and it ended badly. I’m not chancing that again…

aubbs c

when I was attempting suicide a lot, my friend told my parents. I hated her for a long time. my parents forced me to go to a counselor and to get medicated. but now I am so much better and I am so glad that friend helped me. I think that's what you have to do. he might get very angry and even ignore you, but it's better than him dying.