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@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Hey Austin, I read your facebook post this morning and I have to say I completely agree with what it said. Like many other people who commented before me, the topics do not apply to me personally (especially since I'm homeschooled and have never been to public school), but I've always tried to empathize with people and it would hurt me to see others hurting. I think you wrote out your thoughts very well and you spoke very persuasively. To anyone who posts politically, I would suggest clearly stating the issue you're discussing and your basic opinion on it very first thing to avoid confusion and misunderstanding—but I understood yours fine, Austin, and I don't think it needs any improvement. :)
(Also, I see that metaphor….you know how to use words effectively man, good for you. I'm glad you shared your original letter with us, it gave us a chance to reach out and help you climb back up from the depths.)

Deleted user

everyone says i have a way of stating my thoughts without pissing people off……… a way of bringing people together

aubbs c

I love the post. I hate that as kids we have barely any say in who is in control of our county even though we are the ones who get affected by it most. If adults vote for someone we don't agree with, we are the ones who have to live with the decisions they make in the future. I know we aren't all knowledgeable on politics but we should at least get some say.

Deleted user

voting is a great responsibility. We can’t allow people who are not mature enough to make the decisions that this country must live with for generations to come. I personally believe that voting is a sacred rite and if we were to allow (gullible) minors to vote, we’d be in a deeper hole then we have ever been in.

Deleted user

no. i am not……… unless the American people ask me to serve