forum if you are reading this...
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

If you are Reading this, I realized that I couldn’t stay. i’ve realized that in the grand scheme of things, i mean nothing. I realize that no one ever answers a silent call. but none of you hear should take the blame. This is my actions, and my actions only. and as for the notebook community, I can’t leave without sincerely thanking each and every one of you for joining me on this hell of a ride. Taylor, savana, Kaitlyn, Hannah, Madison, Chelsea, Carley, Emma, Alexis. these are the names of people that I can’t thank enough for what they have done over recent weeks. But it’s time, because This ship has sailed through hellish storms and was finally damaged beyond repair and is now sinking below the stormy waves. goodbye
sincerely: Austin Hollinger

@Rvan group

Because you have a purpose in life
I know it may not seem like it now
But maybe there’s someone out there that is struggling just like you
And they are still trying
And maybe that person will need you someday

@Rvan group

That doesn’t mean that it won’t change
Someone will need you
Heck, I’m going through a lot and I turn to people on this website for support
People will turn to you for help too, because they need you
Because you are valuable to this site
You are valuable to me
If I didn’t want you to stay I wouldn’t be typing this right now
That has to say something
I care about you, I care about what happens to you
Please don’t go


Austin, I know you don't want to be here, you've made that very very clear. But please don't give up just yet, I'm not going to promise that things will get better because sometimes they don't, but nothing will get better if you don't stay, if you leave who are you leaving to clean up after you, who are you leaving who will have to live the rest of there lives knowing that they failed it trying to save you. I actually think about this a lot what impact my life has had or is going to have on others, how will you be impacting your friends the people who care about you if you leave. You've said time and time again you don't want to hurt anyone it's not anyone's fault, but if you leave that wont keep any one from feeling like they should have done this, or this or that. Leaving causes more problems then it solves, think of the people you would be hurting , think of the lives you would forever change,you have limitless potential, limitless no matter what you tell your self.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Life is not fun. It's hard, messy, and it's annoying. Trust me. I have it worse than most. I get fussed at for my grades not being up to my parents standards. I get fussed at for things that aren't even my fault. Plus, I literally live in a place where it's so unforgiving, that even the water can kill you. Yet I survive. You know why? I try to find the little bit of good in this whole big world. Focus on the good. Not the bad. It'll change your perspective. You remind me of me when I was going through the same thing not too long ago… Now you see I'm the person encouraging others. I focused on the good. Look what it has brought me through.