forum if you are reading this...
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 31 followers


Please don't go.
Talk to us, talk to your friends; we can help.
We will do all we can to help you.
Just please keep trying.
Later in life, you'll be so glad you did.

@Rvan group

the point of no return

You can always return
It can always get better
And there are people out there who will always love you
We will always love you

aubbs c

Austin I don't know you but I promise to you that this waiting will be worth it. I know you're so so tired of waiting but you have to keep pushing your way through each and every day. I'm not sure if this is a case of depression or what you're going through, but it's not pathetic to turn to internet friends. Sometimes it's easier to open up to stranger's because they only hear your perspective and can understand you better instead of hearing a bunch of information at once. Obviously these people care about you and they haven't even met you in person so you're that amazing even just through a screen. I know things are tough right now but eventually they will get better and for the time being keep talking to your friends and stay away from harming yourself.

@Rvan group

Come back to us
Come back to me
There is always something out there for you
There is light at the end of the tunnel
Austin, I know it’s hard, but please
Keep fighting
Keep moving forward
Because you’ve gotten so far
Do you really want all of what you’ve done to be for nothing?


God loves you and has a great purpose for your life! Cast your cares on him and he will help you through what ever you are going through.

@Rvan group

You have a purpose in life
I wouldn’t say something that I don’t believe in
You have a purpose
Stay to find that purpose
Please keep fighting