forum if you are reading this...
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 31 followers

@Rvan group

Now is not that time
I will not let go Austin
I will remember this forever
I will not forgive myself if you leave when I had the chance to talk to you
I will not forget

@Rvan group

Listen to me
I will be hurt, we will be hurt, they will be hurt
Because we love you, we care
Please, stay for us
There is light at the end of the tunnel
It will get better

Deleted user

now I’m sitting in the same place I’ve been sitting for an hour

@Rvan group

I’ve been sitting in the same place too for an hour
Trying to talk you out of this
Because I care
I wouldn’t have been sitting at my ipad waiting for every response if I was okay with this
I am not okay with you going
I desperately want you to stay
I care
You matter to me

Deleted user

that’s a long story that I don’t feel like explaining that started nearly 2 1/2 years ago

@Rvan group

Taylor cares
She wouldn’t be trying to save you if she didn’t care
She needs you
They need you
What can I tell you to show you how much they care

Deleted user

she just laid out an entire hypothetical situation and know my thoughts are what the hell am I doing