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aubbs c

Tell us a story. Distract yourself. Think about little toddler Austin. You loved him. You're still him. Don't hurt that kid.

@Rvan group

The people around you would be hurt
The person trying to get in the window would be hurt
They care
I will be hurt
We would be hurt
We care
I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t care

@Rvan group

Let her in
Let her help
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve known her
She wants to help
You don’t have to do this alone
That’s why we’re all here

You are not alone

aubbs c

It's okay to feel this way but it's not okay to keep it contained within you. Talk to someone. You aren't being a bother when you do. People care about you. Look. An entire chat of people trying to save you.

Deleted user

A friend that is in eighth grade while I’m in 11th and she’s wise beyond her years

@Rvan group

Austin please
Ask for help
Let people help you
We want you to stay
There’s a reason why
Or else we wouldn’t be here now, talking to you
Begging you to stay
So, I know I’ve said this a thousand times, but

Deleted user

savana and Elexis are legit tryna pull me threw the window

@Rvan group

Are they trying to help you or hurt you?
Becuase if they’re trying to help you
It’s very clear that they care
And they need you

Deleted user

because they can’t open the door. It has a pretty well-built frame and kicking it in would be nearly impossible