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Started by Deleted user

people_alt 31 followers

Deleted user

my fellow Americans, we have choices to make on November 6.
first, and probably most important for me, is the legislation concerning displaying the 10 Commandments in schools. The choice is between two options: either let this pass, and violate the First Amendment to the US Constitution, or vote it down and say no to the people who think that a certain sector of the population’s view is more important than the sacred words of the constitution of the United States… we also have a choice of who we want to represent us in congress. The choice is between republican, Robert Aderholt, Who was first elected in the late 1990s, and democrat Lee auman Who happens to not be a career politician. I believe that we need new leadership for Alabama’s Congressional representative(s.) I also believe that disability checks that people like myself will eventually receive, shouldn’t be cut even more than they already are. President Trump signed some pretty good tax cuts a while back. that’s all fine and good, but if you look in the so-called fine print of the legislation, there’s a lot of cuts too Government assistance programs such as Social Security. The last thing we in the disability community need are even more roadblocks two getting what we need.

Deleted user

The whole religious thing was referring to an amendment to the Alabama constitution

Deleted user

but that’s nowhere near my best writing. I was being very hurried


Your writing is no doubt highly articulative, while being both complex and understandable. I must say that your syntax, diction and tone are great. And you have excellent vocabulary and grammar, implicative of someone who knows what they're talking about.

Very nice!

Deleted user

and concerning the disability thing, if you receive a check from the government, (As in you can’t work) it applies because your check will be cut from say 1000 dollars to about $700.00. Yes, those numbers are very inflated but that was intentional

Deleted user

if I’m trying to make a point with what I’m saying, I always use stories and concrete examples of real people and real events

Deleted user

this lifelong Republican supporter (me) might have to vote Democrat or third party

Deleted user

I have no idea why I decided to make that three week old letter public. It’s the first post in this thread


I'm not trying to offend anyone on here. This is just my opinion, but why must we have Republicans and Democrats. I just don't see the point. Not everything about America must stay the same, but not everything must change either. It depends on the situation. A poor example of this would be making decisions with either only your heart or your brain. You need both to make a decision. People who are Republican or Democrat are only going by that and not by what America needs. And these categories are splitting us apart. There is nothing but hate from both sides. Politicians will only vote for who is on their side… wether they're good or not. These categories cause more harm then good. Sorry about this little rant. It isn't directed towards you or anyone, just America in general. (please don't be offended)