forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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Sleep is good. Get some sleep guys, please.

Sleep, Ha. I haven't done that sense winter break, We love Honors and AP level classes.

@The-Magician group

Sleep is good. Get some sleep guys, please.

Sleep, Ha. I haven't done that sense winter break, We love Honors and AP level classes.

What's Honors and AP level classes?


What's Honors and AP level classes?

Pain, it's pain, They're higher level classes like normal Language arts, then you have Honors Language arts which is like the same but more work and you go into more depth and do more stuff, AP classes are collage level classes you can take in high school.

@The-Magician group

Lack of sleep i guess is mine and my Insomnia's fault. As for college, im just sat in photography doing jack sh*t even though we are doing exam prep – im not stressed. Please don't apologise 😁