forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Not me…

I feel ashamed to ask But I can't find you're picture. Can you post it again?

It's okay – I never posted one… XP

Oh. Well than logically I can't say you are pretty. Though the evidence suggests that you are in fact, far more beautiful than you think.

@The-Magician group

It's like the triangle things. Y'know, when it's like "In OPQ, OP:RS. Given that QO=14, QP=35, and QS=20, find QR."
It sucks.

Is that actually the question, if so then that's worded in an odd way..

Deleted user

Not me…

I feel ashamed to ask But I can't find you're picture. Can you post it again?

It's okay – I never posted one… XP

Oh. Well than logically I can't say you are pretty. Though the evidence suggests that you are in fact, far more beautiful than you think.

Yeah, I'm not. I don't look good without a filter and no one else used one…

@The-Magician group

Not me…

I feel ashamed to ask But I can't find you're picture. Can you post it again?

It's okay – I never posted one… XP

Oh. Well than logically I can't say you are pretty. Though the evidence suggests that you are in fact, far more beautiful than you think.

Yeah, I'm not. I don't look good without a filter and no one else used one…

No one else meaning whom?

@soupnana group

It's like the triangle things. Y'know, when it's like "In OPQ, OP:RS. Given that QO=14, QP=35, and QS=20, find QR."
It sucks.

Similar triangles?


@The-Magician group

It's like the triangle things. Y'know, when it's like "In OPQ, OP:RS. Given that QO=14, QP=35, and QS=20, find QR."
It sucks.

Similar triangles?


That should be fairly simple..

@soupnana group

Yeah, I wasn't sure how to write it. lol. And I am pretty stupid when it comes to math so don't mind me if I seem utterly confused and y'all just get it really easily. My teacher kinda sucks butt as well so that's fun. (Pardon my french)

@The-Magician group

Aight! Sweet dreams y'all! See ya tomorrow! I'mma go to sleep!

and here I thought that this guy never got his sleep lmaoo He always seems to be on 24/7

No he does sleep. Very little a lot of the time due to his friend but he does still get sleep

@Becfromthedead group

Yah. You're a genius Bec. Thank you so much!!!

I wouldn't call myself a genius by any means (I just practice a lot. Heck, I ended up taking the first part of calculus twice because I didn't understand it the first time, and that's okay), but I'm glad I could help.

@soupnana group

Yah. You're a genius Bec. Thank you so much!!!

I wouldn't call myself a genius by any means (I just practice a lot. Heck, I ended up taking the first part of calculus twice because I didn't understand it the first time, and that's okay), but I'm glad I could help.

Yeah. I guess studying and practicing helps. I barely pay attention in class because the way my teacher teaches it is so fast and confusing so I decide that it's not worth studying.

@Becfromthedead group

Yah. You're a genius Bec. Thank you so much!!!

I wouldn't call myself a genius by any means (I just practice a lot. Heck, I ended up taking the first part of calculus twice because I didn't understand it the first time, and that's okay), but I'm glad I could help.

Yeah. I guess studying and practicing helps. I barely pay attention in class because the way my teacher teaches it is so fast and confusing so I decide that it's not worth studying.

It happens… that's actually my current problem with my biology class (or at least part of it), so I understand. I will never get why some teachers think their students can grasp everything immediately.

@soupnana group

Yah. You're a genius Bec. Thank you so much!!!

I wouldn't call myself a genius by any means (I just practice a lot. Heck, I ended up taking the first part of calculus twice because I didn't understand it the first time, and that's okay), but I'm glad I could help.

Yeah. I guess studying and practicing helps. I barely pay attention in class because the way my teacher teaches it is so fast and confusing so I decide that it's not worth studying.

It happens… that's actually my current problem with my biology class (or at least part of it), so I understand. I will never get why some teachers think their students can grasp everything immediately.

Yup. My sister had a teacher who would literally just throw homework at them and be like, "dO tHIs wORk. IF yOU dOn'T geT 100% fIRSt tRy yoU gOTta dO MaKEUp woRk."
He didn't teach the class anything. It was stupid.

@soupnana group

Nope. I am a sophomore in HS. Ha ha.

quickly has to grab a comparison chart..
10th grade?

Cha. It's a party… =_= (So many idiots in my grade…. soooo many.)