forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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I doubt it, but very well!

i don't doubt it cuz I turn into a horrible human when upset so there. Also, do you know what body dysmorphia is?

  1. I know. But I'm cool with that.

  2. Yep!


I’m going to paint my room once my sister moves out of it, any tips on prep?

I don't know if anyones answered yet but heres our steps

  1. Clean out all easily moveable things clutter, light furniture etc. Anything you can take out
  2. Move any large tough to move furniture to the middle of the room
  3. Vacuum the floors since its a good chance to get everything nice and clean
  4. Wash/dust the walls/floorboards we first dusted with a cloth and then used a mop to wash all of the walls with soap and water
  5. Remove outlet covers and such
  6. Fill any holes with drywall mud (or whatever is used to fill wall holes with I guess)
  7. Cover the floors and the furniture in the middle with tarps/plastic bags and tape up whatever you don't want paint on
  8. Paint, I suggest using rollers as much as possible since they give less brushstrokes than a brush

I don't thiiiink I missed anything?

@faltering-through pets

Ya know that part in BMC where the Squip is tearing Jeremy down to rebuild himself to become reliant only on the Squip? The sheer, raw emotion of the scene really speaks to me. Squip: "Now, repeat after me. Woah, everything about you is just terrible." Jeremy: "Everything about me is just terrible." Squip: "Good. Woah, everything about you makes me want to die." Jeremy: "Everything about me makes me want to die–" Squip: "Now you got it." How Jeremy's voice softens and quivers, and even cracks on the word "die". How the Squip is so reassuring and gentle when he finally gets Jeremy to give in to inner hate. Just all of it is so relatable to how everyone is fighting their inner demons all the time, ones that no one else can see or hear but are stiol there and very much real. How much of an affect these negative voices have of the impact on someone's mind after so long. Even in the finale, the Squip has technically been destroyed, but Jeremy can still hear him. And in Jeremy's words, "There are many voices in my head, but the loudest one is mine!" as he finally gets back control. He gets himself back. But. The Squip is still there. The Squid never leaves Jeremy entirely, but most of the power he possesed over Jeremy seemed to have disappeared.

Dude I am totally with you on that, that's kind of a powerful message right there lol

Yup… sorry I had to relate it back to a musical of all things but it just came to my mind during all of the self deprecation and yeah…

Nah dude I get it, it happens, no need to apologize and if you ever wanna talk to someone I'll be available although I'm not the best at giving advice

Thanks Tam. You're a real one. I may just take you up on that offer if it ever gets bad enough to the point where I'm scratching at my face and scream when I look in a mirror or see my reflection

ahhhh dude no please definitely talk to me when you feel like that, if anything I'd like to distract you for a second with my stupid shit instead of letting you fall down that pit

Thank you… that would be nice.

yeah no problem, anytime for you my dude

Deleted user

"I'll give you summer teeth…
Some are here, some are there."
-Robin Scherbatsky
How I Met Your Mother

@soupnana group

AND OMG WHY DOES MATH SUCK SO MUCH!?!? I have only gotten two problems right and I finally thought I had figured it out…. and then the fricken thing marked all of them wrong!!! WHEAT THE HECK!!?!?

Deleted user

Not me…

I feel ashamed to ask But I can't find you're picture. Can you post it again?

It's okay – I never posted one… XP

@Becfromthedead group

Now can anyone here do math? Because I have no idea how….

I don't have a lot of time, but maybe. I'm a college calculus II student, so I've been around my fair share of math… More than my fair share tbh