forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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XD It's 1:01 for me right now… so bored



Yo, get to bed!

Hahaha, no

Right now, you are my brain when I am trying to sleep. Like, I just sit there, wide awake, and I am like, "I need to sleep." And my brain just be like, "Nope, instead you're going to think about the possibility of there being a MURDERER outside your window. Have fun!" And then I am left to think about murderers and stuff like that.

Oh, honey…

@soupnana group

XD It's 1:01 for me right now… so bored



Yo, get to bed!

Hahaha, no

Right now, you are my brain when I am trying to sleep. Like, I just sit there, wide awake, and I am like, "I need to sleep." And my brain just be like, "Nope, instead you're going to think about the possibility of there being a MURDERER outside your window. Have fun!" And then I am left to think about murderers and stuff like that.

Oh, honey…

Mhm. But that hasn't been happening as often cause I have a good and incredibly heavy book to read before I sleep, and that allows me to…

  1. Think about things in the book, rather than about what is lurking in the dark.
  2. It's weight makes my arms tired, which makes me want to turn onto my side so that then I get tired and fall asleep.
  3. Some of the chapters are slow going and they put me right to sleep.

I'm tellin you. A long, heavy, interesting/boring book is the best thing to read before going to sleep.

@soupnana group

And now I am being tortured…. auuuuugh…
My mother made a chocolate bundt cake, but she made it at like… 10, and so when I got up to go brush my teeth (it's 11:25) I could smell it and I couldn't even go get a piece because I would have to brush my teeth again! Aaaaaauuuugh! Evil mother… how dare she….
(Also, I should probably get some sleep. G'night my friends!)

Deleted user

I'm still here

@The-Magician group

And then there's me. I tried to get some sleep, didn't work, and now I have to get ready for college. My body is actually shaking so hard.. It was doing this last night….