forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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Thanks. I have a track meet today, which is going to be great, but I can't back out, cause I'm in two relays…

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We probably do, but my coaches don't like it when people have to back out of relays.

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It's fine. I'm feeling kinda better after feeling lightheaded a bit in one of my previous classes. That was fun…


(Copy/pasting this to multiple threads because I want you humans to know how much I care)
My current mood:
Awake way past my bedtime because I’ve been hit with this sudden realization of just how lucky I am to have such amazing friends in my life. I often think that, considering the amount of mistakes I’ve made, I’m completely unlovable… Yet these people, these truly incredible people, they’ve seen all my weaknesses, my problems, my tears, my mistakes, my good side, my bad side, even my overly dramatic side, and they still love me like a sister.
And I’m not just talking about my IRL friends, you guys here on Notebook are incredible as well. You manage to still care about me despite my problems, which I realize can be p r e t t y difficult at times.
I truly do mean it when I say you’re too amazing for words to describe, you’ve done so many great things for me and I’m so truly pancake-flipping grateful to have people as wonderful as you in my life, I love each one of you guys so much, you have no idea…
great big hugs