forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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I have a really good picture of myself I'd like to show you when my technologically inclined friend comes back on.



I am vewwy smol. That's the reason NutElla is a chibi because chibi is an insult meaning smol and I am smol

Don't say that! Being small has its perks I guess…😂. Anyway, if you think you are small, I'm not even five foot yet and I'm in high school! I can't reach my own kitchen cabinets…the top shelves anyway.


I am vewwy smol. That's the reason NutElla is a chibi because chibi is an insult meaning smol and I am smol

Don't say that! Being small has its perks I guess…😂. Anyway, if you think you are small, I'm not even five foot yet and I'm in high school! I can't reach my own kitchen cabinets…the top shelves anyway.

Hands you a stepstool I have a bunch of them
Also, That sounds like my tiny best friend


I am vewwy smol. That's the reason NutElla is a chibi because chibi is an insult meaning smol and I am smol

Don't say that! Being small has its perks I guess…😂. Anyway, if you think you are small, I'm not even five foot yet and I'm in high school! I can't reach my own kitchen cabinets…the top shelves anyway.

Being small is cool! I'm a small guy and I'm still more powerful than my 6'1", ~160 lb ex-boyfriend! And thanks to my size also more agile!


5'2" but oddly enough I kinda like being that small except for the fact I have to get up on my tippy-toes if I wanna kiss almost anyone and I have to use a step stool to see over podiums


5'2" but oddly enough I kinda like being that small except for the fact I have to get up on my tippy-toes if I wanna kiss almost anyone and I have to use a step stool to see over podiums



I’m only 5’1 (maybe 5’2, I haven’t checked in a year) but I walk on my toes so it’s hard to tell I’m that smol. Why do I walk like that? I don’t know, it feels more natural, I guess


Speaking of shoulders, can we talk about the place where the collarbone and shoulder connect?
Because that's sexy!

I would usually disagree but I have to admit, that’s my favorite part to draw… questions how any human in the right mind wouldn’t include the collarbone in their art style


Discovery of the day: I have little dimples on my shoulders… How did I only now see them

What? How weird! (in a good way though!)

Weird is my main aesthetic.

Well, as me and my sister like to say, "Everyone is weird in their own way!"

Deleted user

…………imma just leave this here………..

I think you have it in private so we can't really see it

Try again……