forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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I hate myself Not looking for pity or whatever, but it feels kinda nice to just say it.


I'm contemplating life and freaking out because I just found out that there's another book in the Eragon series

Oh! Cool! What're you contemplating?

Well I'm trying to figure out if My parents are going to make me quit Swim because it's a struggle getting me there and back, I'm trying to figure out a way to make it easier.


okay so i'm working on getting a pic uploaded

Cool! What type?

a selfie with shit lighting maybe so yall can see my potato of a face

Oh. Am I the only one who isn't picky about my photos?

@TeamMezzo group

90% of the people who call themselves potatoes end up being the world's hottest potatoes

well i don't think i can upload it since it's a school google account crafts