forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

@alrightellie @IDontKnowWhoIWant2B You look great. And Camie. I feel a little weird saying this, because I don't talk like this, But you are actually hot. Oh my gosh I feel so embarrassed for saying that but it's true.

You can't just say that, I'm in class right now and I made a little noise…

Um… Sorry? I hope it made you feel good.



(Although I agree, you're fricking B E A U T I F U L)


Deleted user

Does anyone know


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@alrightellie @IDontKnowWhoIWant2B You look great. And Camie. I feel a little weird saying this, because I don't talk like this, But you are actually hot. Oh my gosh I feel so embarrassed for saying that but it's true.

You can't just say that, I'm in class right now and I made a little noise…

Um… Sorry? I hope it made you feel good.

It did! XD

Deleted user

@alrightellie @IDontKnowWhoIWant2B You look great. And Camie. I feel a little weird saying this, because I don't talk like this, But you are actually hot. Oh my gosh I feel so embarrassed for saying that but it's true.

You can't just say that, I'm in class right now and I made a little noise…

We all know she's right, Camie
I'm with you, that was fricking awkward
I mean, hot in a friend way, yaknow? Like, you're obviously gorgeous, but when I say hot, I mean as a fren
I m a d e t h a t w o r s e

Thanks, love! ;D

Deleted user

Nope, because I'm still here. I can go if you like, then it will be unanimous…

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I feel bad because we keep on complimenting everyone when they post a picture, but after that we just stick to the topic of some people's beauty when there isn't a single human who has posted their picture here without making my jaw drop. I'm just worried that there are people who think of themselves of ugly and stuff, and when they post a picture and we compliment it once each before going back to talking about how gorgeous someone else is, it makes them feel like we're just saying they're attractive to be nice. I personally actually feel somewhat confident in how I look, but… I just want everyone else to feel the same way. I'm overthinking this, I know, but…


I feel bad because we keep on complimenting everyone when they post a picture, but after that we just stick to the topic of some people's beauty when there isn't a single human who has posted their picture here without making my jaw drop. I'm just worried that there are people who think of themselves of ugly and stuff, and when they post a picture and we compliment it once each before going back to talking about how gorgeous someone else is, it makes them feel like we're just saying they're attractive to be nice. I personally actually feel somewhat confident in how I look, but… I just want everyone else to feel the same way. I'm overthinking this, I know, but…

good point


I feel bad because we keep on complimenting everyone when they post a picture, but after that we just stick to the topic of some people's beauty when there isn't a single human who has posted their picture here without making my jaw drop. I'm just worried that there are people who think of themselves of ugly and stuff, and when they post a picture and we compliment it once each before going back to talking about how gorgeous someone else is, it makes them feel like we're just saying they're attractive to be nice. I personally actually feel somewhat confident in how I look, but… I just want everyone else to feel the same way. I'm overthinking this, I know, but…

Making it big because this is a really good point


I feel bad because we keep on complimenting everyone when they post a picture, but after that we just stick to the topic of some people's beauty when there isn't a single human who has posted their picture here without making my jaw drop. I'm just worried that there are people who think of themselves of ugly and stuff, and when they post a picture and we compliment it once each before going back to talking about how gorgeous someone else is, it makes them feel like we're just saying they're attractive to be nice. I personally actually feel somewhat confident in how I look, but… I just want everyone else to feel the same way. I'm overthinking this, I know, but…

Hey. I understand. But I genuinely believe y'all are adorable. And I've written a few articles for people to help them see what I see.