forum Hey guys! Pictures
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

people_alt 146 followers


Okay what I want you to do is learn to appreciate the features around those eyes. Those Lids help shape the beauty of your eyes. They helped make them pop. I'm not saying you should automatically like them, but try to learn. I'm doing it and it seems to be working for me.


Eye colour.. skin.. I'm confused

I'm trying to help everyone find things that like about themselves, and then learn to Branch out from those things they like and learn to love the entirety of themselves.

@The-Magician group

Eye colour.. skin.. I'm confused

I'm trying to help everyone find things that like about themselves, and then learn to Branch out from those things they like and learn to love the entirety of themselves.

I see, this isn't a conversation for me XD


My eyes are too squinty.

Camie you look exactly like I imagined you if I am completely honest, And your eye's are beautiful.