forum Get to Know Each Other... Game?
Started by @Acetylcholine terrain

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@Acetylcholine terrain



  1. What was your favorite book as a child? Why?
  2. When was the last time you worked incredibly hard?
  3. Is there any art or artist you are really into?
  4. Do you think that war is inevitable or can it be ended completely?
  5. How would your perfect partner treat you?
  6. What TV catchphrase do you most enjoy using?
  7. What were you really into when you were a kid?
  8. What trend are you tired of?

Deleted user



  1. What was your favorite book as a child? Why?
  2. When was the last time you worked incredibly hard?
  3. Is there any art or artist you are really into?
  4. Do you think that war is inevitable or can it be ended completely?
  5. How would your perfect partner treat you?
  6. What TV catchphrase do you most enjoy using?
  7. What were you really into when you were a kid?
  8. What trend are you tired of?
  1. Ohohohoooo I loved this one book called the "seven silly eaters", I remember loving the art style so much and the ending was kind of a plot twist so it got firt place on my favorite's list
  2. I-
    I'm not sure if this is a personal attack or what- LMAO
    I'm not sure??? You haven't known me for a long time but I'm like the laziest piece of shit you'll ever meet
    I think it might have been in ninth grade since I was fresh out of middle school and was determined to give it my all- yeah that lasted like a year then I started half assing everything
  3. Right now I'm really into Kota Lovette's art since it's really dark and twisted- though I used to love Tamaytka's art- still do. I really dig earthy colors and she would nail it everytime with her art
  4. Ahahahaha it's inevitable in my opinion. Humans will always seek out blood no matter how many good people we have on this godforsaken planet, we could try for peace, sure, but I don't think it would last long. Sorry, I'm just a really pessimist living being
  5. Oh man, I don't know about this one my dude. I have really skewed morals so I don't think I'll be getting a partner anytime soon. I don't really consider myself a good person and I'm sure other people can see that too. But to answer your question,,, I guess they could treat me like trash and I still wouldn't mind it-
    My perfect partner would have to be someone that has the opposite of my personality tho
  6. "Oh, my God! They killed Kenny!"
    "You bastards !!"
    That one lmao, it's from South park and it cracks me up every time
  7. Oh fuck, a trip down nostalgia road,, uhh
    Bro I can't remember anything from that time except being in pain and at the hospital all the time, i didn't really have time to get into things because my mom would never let me do anything
    But at age nine I do remember getting into writing and creating my first character Lazda- behind my mom's back naturally ~
  8. I honestly roll my eyes at the stupid new things people come up with but I gotta go with the "[insert some quirky line here] check"
    Like shut the fuck up, no one cares

Also, thanks for @ing me, I rarely get tagged into anything

Deleted user

(you started half assing things in high school? I started in the fifth grade. I admire your dedication)

Ahaha, no see, I got really depressed in the sixth grade through the eighth and started failing all my classes so when I got to high school I decided to start out new and give it my best

@Acetylcholine terrain

(Oh no, I didn't mean that as a personal attack. I tend to believe that when people work hard on something, it usually ends with them being rather proud of what they accomplished. Didn't mean to take a stab at you, friend. I'm sorry.)

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(don't worry bout it fren, it was meant more to be taken as a joke, don't feel too bad about it- i have a bad habit of playfully bullying other people haha
but yeah, i guess getting a few A's on some classes made feel satisfied, if only for a while)

@Acetylcholine terrain

(Ah. I'm used to taking people's feelings at face value, so pardon my inability to realize the possibility of a joke. I have a rather hard time reading between the lines, so if you act/sound upset, then I shall react accordingly.)

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nods as i scribble something into my notebook
got it, I'll make sure not to bully you too much then ;)

@Anemone eco

@Emi-Is-Humming-to-No-One. Hi… sorry for draggin' ya here

  1. If there was one thing about yourself that you would change, what would it be?
  2. In literature, who truly inspires you?
  3. War plagues your country and you're practically trapped in your home. You're given an opportunity to escape, but it must be at night and you may take no one with you. Do you flee the country or do you stay and risk potential consequences?
  4. What possession of yours do you value most?
  5. You find yourself atop a bridge with your family. You're all held at gunpoint. Your assailant gives you one of two things to attempt to save you all. Either sing the alphabet backwards in 15 seconds or sing a song from a random celebrity of their choice (who it is is completely random). If you fail at either one or completely refuse, you and your family die. Which do you choose?

Deleted user

@Emi-Is-Humming-to-No-One. Hi… sorry for draggin' ya here

  1. If there was one thing about yourself that you would change, what would it be?
  2. In literature, who truly inspires you?
  3. War plagues your country and you're practically trapped in your home. You're given an opportunity to escape, but it must be at night and you may take no one with you. Do you flee the country or do you stay and risk potential consequences?
  4. What possession of yours do you value most?
  5. You find yourself atop a bridge with your family. You're all held at gunpoint. Your assailant gives you one of two things to attempt to save you all. Either sing the alphabet backwards in 15 seconds or sing a song from a random celebrity of their choice (who it is is completely random). If you fail at either one or completely refuse, you and your family die. Which do you choose?
  1. Probably my whole mindset. Because I’m a depressed piece of garbage, my mindset isn’t always right to help other people, and I’d want to change it for the sake of others.
  2. Other growing artists like myself. While I don’t completely read pieces that other people write, hearing their accomplishments makes me strive for more.
  3. Very interesting question lmao. I’d flee, and because I’m a social person, try to tempt others close to me as well. It’s my family with me or nothing.
  4. I value my boxing gloves and equipment the most, I think. I wouldn’t be in the same state of mind as I am at this moment if I didn’t have boxing.
  5. …. ummm probably sing the alphabet lmao.

Deleted user


first of all, i'm sorry i've called you out but i saw you around and thought you were pretty cool (the whole kurt cobain thing convinced me, naturally-)

anyways you dun gotta respond if you don't want to but i thought i'd give this a shot at someone i've never spoken to before
here we go

  1. in your profile it says you're into rock (+1 point from me)
    which kinds of bands do you listen to?
  2. if someone brought you forth the proposal of killing someone- anyone, without consequence, would you take it? if you were to take it, who would come to mind first? (you don't gotta answer this one if you feel uncomfortable. i've just got a real bad habit of asking inappropriate stuff- you're gonna have to excuse me for that)
  3. you joined six days ago, kind of like me (lmao), how did you find out about notebook? i know there's a thread that asks this same question but i havent seen you around often since that one day so i was just curious
  4. if a god came up to you one day and asked you to take its place, would you agree? even if that meant to leave everything behind without being able to go back ever?
  5. if you got kidnapped one day, would you take the risk of escaping right away even though you know that your captor will be watching your every move for a very long time? if not, then what would be your strategy?
  6. what do you think of people who seem nice but once you get to know them, they do a 180 on you and reveal who they really are on the inside, that being that they have no regard for others- almost having psychopathic tendencies?
  7. what do you look for in a friend? what kind of personality clicks most with you?