forum Get to Know Each Other... Game?
Started by @Acetylcholine terrain

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And while I wait for that… @awgzvm

  1. Why do people call you South?
  2. Why is your user the way it is
  3. Do you have a favourite animal? If so, what is it and why?
  4. Who you look up to? Why do you look up to them?
  1. oh geez. it's a very long and depressing story that i don't really like sharing just cause it's also kinda personal, but i got it a while ago and the name kinda stuck. one of my friends is called North though
  2. it's just my initials and the first letters of an old username i used to use. it's really boring, i know, but i started using it for everything, so when i joined notebook i just used that and never really changed it. i'm probably going to change it soon though
  3. i really, really like wolves. they're just such majestic animals, and my friends started comparing me to them like last year because apparently we're both "free-spirited and aggressive". they're just awesome and i love everything about them.
  4. my old ballet teacher. she's just so incredibly elegant and badass at the same time, and i have literally wanted to be just like her for as long as i can remember, which is funny because we used to despise each other. she's just the epitome of everything i want to be.

i'm so sorry my answers are so boring

Deleted user

Questions, questions, and more questions. Here's what I have for you, please enjoy.

  1. What word do you find the most amusing, and why is it amusing to you?
  2. What country would you like to move to, and for what reasons?
  3. What is your absolute favorite joke that you have been told?
  4. Would you prefer coffee or tea?
  5. What subject do you find to be most important in schools?

Deleted user

I'll do some of these for you, too. I have been wondering a lot about you, and I suck at actually asking things in conversation.

  1. What would be your absolute favorite color scheme?
  2. What is your favorite art style?
  3. What is your favorite personality, and why is it your favorite?
  4. I give you a choice, green or purple tablet. The green gives you the power to sense the pain of others, the purple gives you the power to hear the thoughts of others. Which do you choose?
  5. What is your least favorite word, and for what reasons is it your least favorite?


I'll do some of these for you, too. I have been wondering a lot about you, and I suck at actually asking things in conversation.

  1. What would be your absolute favorite color scheme?
  2. What is your favorite art style?
  3. What is your favorite personality, and why is it your favorite?
  4. I give you a choice, green or purple tablet. The green gives you the power to sense the pain of others, the purple gives you the power to hear the thoughts of others. Which do you choose?
  5. What is your least favorite word, and for what reasons is it your least favorite?

Eh?? qvq Aweee

  1. For color scheme, das a little hard cuz i have more than one. Black and Blue would be a fav if we're talking Hair/Eyes of a character, though green is also rlly nice.
  2. Art style???? Tbh, right now Kawacy is my senpai when it comes to colors and effects, but STARember is much closer to my character style - and they too hav nice colors. Im guessing both then????
  3. In a character i REALLY stan the baby type ones, who can still smile after they've been to hell and back or lost everything they had, prolly bcz it makes me wanna protect them with all my damn heart???
  4. Purple. I'm already causing myself a ton of pain with sad character backstories and unhealthy fear of change, so id rather just hear people's thoughts instead.
  5. Ugh… prolly any word that is s*x related or near that hemisphere - they sound very dirty to me. Im also that pudic type who's single af so ya, maybe thats another reason.

Deleted user

( awwe literally relating to the sad character backstories, haha. also, literally obsessed with baby personalities tbh. Thanks for the awesome answers!!! )

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Questions, questions, and more questions. Here's what I have for you, please enjoy.

  1. What word do you find the most amusing, and why is it amusing to you?
  2. What country would you like to move to, and for what reasons?
  3. What is your absolute favorite joke that you have been told?
  4. Would you prefer coffee or tea?
  5. What subject do you find to be most important in schools?
  1. Hmm. Four words sprang to my mind. Nitwit, oddment, blubber, tweak.
  2. I don't want to move. If I can, I'm going to stay in Washington. But I doubt that will happen.
  3. Oh there is no one. But I did get a good laugh out of a list of fake chicken facts. The one that I thought was the funniest was one saying that most chickens lay approximately one egg a day. Except in China where they lay two in their whole lives.
  4. Tea. Always. But I do love coffee with milk.
  5. Well reading if we're going to the basics. But I think History after that. And then logic.


  1. What thing do you believe in that you think most don't?
  2. What character would you wish for if you had to choose one to be your mentor?
  3. If you had the ability to magically manipulate your body (while staying human), what would you do?
  4. What is one thing you will always run from?
  5. If you were in a relationship, who would you want to die first and why?



  1. favorite book? why?
  2. what's your favorite word to say?
  3. who's a fictioonal character you relate the most to?
  4. one thing you absolutely could not live without?
  5. and… (please don't hate me) what's one piece?

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

  1. favorite book? why?
  2. what's your favorite word to say?
  3. who's a fictioonal character you relate the most to?
  4. one thing you absolutely could not live without?
  5. and… (please don't hate me) what's one piece?
  1. I'd have to say the Variant Saga by J.N Chaney. It's a mix of my two favorite genres, dystopian and fantasy, which are hard to combine.
  2. Defenestration.
  3. Patton Sanders(from Sanders Sides). Because he's kinda dead inside but also loves puppies.
  4. One Piece.
  5. (I don't hate you don't worry) One Piece is a manga/anime about a guy made out of rubber who wants to become the King of the Pirates. He assembles a crew and goes on lots of adventures with them. As of right now, the anime is 900+ episodes in and still not finished. I'm only around episode 500 lol

Deleted user


  1. What thing do you believe in that you think most don't?
  2. What character would you wish for if you had to choose one to be your mentor?
  3. If you had the ability to magically manipulate your body (while staying human), what would you do?
  4. What is one thing you will always run from?
  5. If you were in a relationship, who would you want to die first and why?

Yay, thanks for these!

  1. I would say that I believe the sky is actually black? I mean, there's a lot of proof surrounding it, but most people go based off of only what their eyes can see, and absolutely nothing more than that. Other than the scattering of light that causes it to appear blue, the sky is black. Period.
  2. I really don't know who I would choose, but I'll think about it for the sake of this question. There's a wise character, a Necromancer, in a comic that I've been reading. Sulvain. He's something special, truly amused by everything from gems to the stars. I'd love for him to be my mentor.
  3. Bodily manipulation! I love thinking about this. I think I would definitely grow more eyes. The more eyes, the more things I would see and learn through sight.
  4. I will always run from my memories. They haunt me, you know? I'm terrified of them…
  5. If I were in a relationship, I'd prefer them dying first. I don't want my love to feel the loss of another, it hurts in the worst ways. I don't want to leave them here all alone. That's why they should die first.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book


  1. What thing do you believe in that you think most don't?
  2. What character would you wish for if you had to choose one to be your mentor?
  3. If you had the ability to magically manipulate your body (while staying human), what would you do?
  4. What is one thing you will always run from?
  5. If you were in a relationship, who would you want to die first and why?

Yay, thanks for these!

  1. I would say that I believe the sky is actually black? I mean, there's a lot of proof surrounding it, but most people go based off of only what their eyes can see, and absolutely nothing more than that. Other than the scattering of light that causes it to appear blue, the sky is black. Period.
  2. I really don't know who I would choose, but I'll think about it for the sake of this question. There's a wise character, a Necromancer, in a comic that I've been reading. Sulvain. He's something special, truly amused by everything from gems to the stars. I'd love for him to be my mentor.
  3. Bodily manipulation! I love thinking about this. I think I would definitely grow more eyes. The more eyes, the more things I would see and learn through sight.
  4. I will always run from my memories. They haunt me, you know? I'm terrified of them…
  5. If I were in a relationship, I'd prefer them dying first. I don't want my love to feel the loss of another, it hurts in the worst ways. I don't want to leave them here all alone. That's why they should die first.


  1. Wait why? Isn't color a measurable thing though? And even if it is color 39724 doesn't that simply take away from blue instead of making it black?
  2. Cool.
  3. I was thinking less drastic. No new things, only messing with what you have. Like, I would make my arms even longer. I'd be slenderman. I could reach across the table.
  4. Fair I suppose. But probably unhealthy.
  5. I agree and feel the same way.

Deleted user


  1. Wait why? Isn't color a measurable thing though? And even if it is color 39724 doesn't that simply take away from blue instead of making it black?
  2. Cool.
  3. I was thinking less drastic. No new things, only messing with what you have. Like, I would make my arms even longer. I'd be slenderman. I could reach across the table.
  4. Fair I suppose. But probably unhealthy.
  5. I agree and feel the same way.
  1. I honestly haven't thought of that. Color… being measured. It's something new to think about. I guess it's the science that I'm believing, and whatever my mind has conjured up to add onto it.
  2. Thanks, do you have anyone that you would want as a mentor, as well?
  3. Oh, I see. Definitely longer legs. Being 5'1'' is really kind of boring sometimes, and it would help me out in a lot of different ways.
  4. It's not a probably, it's a 100% definitive.
  5. Wow really? That's slightly surprising.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

  1. Yeah color can be measured. I don't know how to though. But even if we see color 45678 differently, it still is color 45678.
  2. Hmm. Not Dumbledore. Maybe Gandalf? I think Haymitch would be good at it. Honestly I don't know. I'll tell you if I think of it.
  3. I actually dreamed last night that I could stretch out my appendages. It was kind of nice.
  4. Yeah…
  5. Interesting.

Deleted user

( Actually amused, Haymitch is literally such a role-model. Despite the drunkenness, he had some sense to him. )