forum Get to Know Each Other... Game?
Started by @Acetylcholine terrain

people_alt 60 followers

@Pickles group

(Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. her new book that's about Snow but she didn't say who it was about until a bunch of people had preordered it, thinking it was about Johanna or Haymitch or literally anyone else.)

@Anemone eco

(Not to be that person, but please try to keep in mind rule 3 of the thread rules you guys. I am not trying to mod the chat I swear)

@Acetylcholine terrain

(Not to be that person, but please try to keep in mind rule 3 of the thread rules you guys. I am not trying to mod the chat I swear)

(You know what, why not. Utinam, you can absolutely mod the chat whenever I'm not here. That is, if you want to, of course.)

@Anemone eco

(Kicking this back up.)


  1. What was the first lofi song you remember listening to?
  2. Are one of your favourite genres realistic fiction?
  3. If you could pick one word to get rid of completely, what would the word be? Why?
  4. What is your favourite food?

Deleted user

(Kicking this back up.)


  1. What was the first lofi song you remember listening to?
  2. Is are one of your favourite genres realistic fiction?
  3. If you could pick one word to get rid of completely, what would the word be? Why?
  4. What is your favourite food?
  1. Oooh hard one… probably something by Atlas.
  2. Yes, definitely
  3. Uhhh… I hate the word moist, I guess
  4. Pancakes

Deleted user

(Cool. Thanks for answering,)

You are very welcome

@Acetylcholine terrain



  1. What is one tradition that you do that most others don't do?
  2. If you were an action figure, what accessories would you be sold with?
  3. Why "Pickles"?
  4. What’s the worst injury you’ve ever gotten?
  5. What movie scene choked you up the most?
  6. What game do you wish you could act out in real life?

@Pickles group

I just spent forever typing out answers and then dropped my phone and now they're gone, so excuse me while I go sob retype it all

@Pickles group



  1. What is one tradition that you do that most others don't do?
  2. If you were an action figure, what accessories would you be sold with?
  3. Why "Pickles"?
  4. What’s the worst injury you’ve ever gotten?
  5. What movie scene choked you up the most?
  6. What game do you wish you could act out in real life?
  1. We don't have a whole lot of traditions, but we switch off going to Thanksgiving and Christmas with my mom's side and dad's side if that counts. So one year we'll go to my mom's side of the family for Thanksgiving and my dad's for Christmas and the next year we'll go to Thanksgiving at my dad's side and Christmas at my mom's.
  2. Probably a pillow and blanket because I'm lazy af. Maybe a knife because knives are cool
  3. Long story short, my dad liked pickles a lot when I was little and in a desperate attempt to bond with him, I accidentally became obsessed and named myself Pickles one soccer season
  4. As someone who's fairly inactive (and drinks an unhealthy amount of milk), I haven't really gotten many really bad injuries, but two years ago at band camp I got tendonitis in my Achilles
  5. I don't watch a lot of movies, but occasionally the last scene in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire gets me a lil bit
  6. Candy Land sounds like it would taste good and be safe enough

@Pickles group

(I haven't played Candy Land in years. I just picked it because I like candy. But I would DOMINATE someone named "Mr. Mint" in a fight, mass murderer or not)

@Acetylcholine terrain



  1. Would you fight Mr. Mint? Why or why not?
  2. What’s the perfect temperature to set the thermostat at?
  3. In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?
  4. What’s your favorite scene in a movie?
  5. When you were a kid, what movie did you watch over and over again?
  6. What small gesture from a stranger made a big impact on you?

@HighPockets group



  1. Would you fight Mr. Mint? Why or why not?
  2. What’s the perfect temperature to set the thermostat at?
  3. In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?
  4. What’s your favorite scene in a movie?
  5. When you were a kid, what movie did you watch over and over again?
  6. What small gesture from a stranger made a big impact on you?
  1. Oh, I would absolutely fight Mr. Mint. Have you seen him? He's so scrawny, I could break his kneecaps and win.
    1. Just kidding. Idk, something that's not too warm or cold.
  2. Y I K E S.
  3. Rey in the cave in The Last Jedi.
  4. Attack of the Clones.
  5. After a sort-of stressful show, an actress from the actual company came up to me, hugged me, and told me I did a great job.