1, What's your favourite game? Why?
Hmm..Right now, I think I'll put Horizon Zero Dawn here. It's a really good game in my opinion; open world (i know some people dont like those but i really do) and it has good controls/mechanics. Things I tend to struggle with in games are the controls, but when a game has smooth controls like this it makes it a lot easier. And it looks like it has a neat story as well. But I'm also only an hour into the game so I'll have to see from here lol.
2, Do you know any additional languages?
I'm not completely fluent, and I'm better with writing them, but I know German, French, and some Russian! I'm hoping to try to learn some Welsh or something soon.
3, If you had to live in another country, where would you go?
Probably one of the Scandinavian countries. Similar climate to my own country (I do not handle heat well!) and good living conditions, from what I've heard.
4, If you could either choose to be immortal or be able to control matter, or time travel, which one would you choose?
Matter is everything around me, so..I think I'll go with matter. Immortality would depend on what type of immortal I am in the first place, and time travel feels too risky.
5, What do you plan on being in terms of careers?
Mm..I've jumped around a bit, but I think I'll be doing something art related. Maybe animation. I considered being a pilot for the RCAF at one point, fun fact. I've also considered being a sniper, but I did change my mind doing more research.
6, What's your favourite story/world you've made?
This one is more complicated. I would have to say, either End of Time (because of how diverse it is in terms of species, people, planets, etc) or my new WIP, 'New World.' New World because of the freedom I can get in designing fauna and whatnot for its surroundings; End of Time as well but EoT is so big it's harder to make designs. New World is more focused.
If you don't mind, I'll leave you with some questions.
- Would you rather see the past, or future? Or stay in the present.
- What's your favourite movie?
- Who do you see yourself as?
- What's your favourite type of music?
- What's your favourite thing you've made in any of your worlds?