forum Get to Know Each Other... Game?
Started by @Acetylcholine terrain

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@Acetylcholine terrain

Welcome to the "Get to Know Each Other… Game?" thread.

Context: I don't normally like to go near the forums of these sites (I view them as troll-filled, to say the least), but yesterday you guys changed my mind (you know who you are). I needed advice regarding the pure context of a situation, and you guys really pulled through and helped me out. I wasn't sure how to thank you all at first, not just for helping me, but for also changing my view on forums (this site, at least). Then I thought perhaps I should make a thread introducing myself, but quickly waved that off as too tacky. Then another thought appeared, that I make a "Get to Know Me" thread, but with a twist. While I ruminated on this overnight, I awoke with a fleshed-out idea, and the thread was created. If someone has already thought of this idea before, please let me know so I may credit them for their originality.

Mission Objective: Play the game, get to know each other better, and most importantly, have fun.

Thread Rules:

  1. Absolutely no trolls, trolling, or people who can't handle being mature enough for just one thread. If this rule seems open to interpretation, then maybe you should check to see if you are an immature troll. Breaking this rule will result in an immediate kick
  2. I will not tolerate any disrespecting/shaming of each other. Breaking this rule will also result in an immediate kick, that is unless I state otherwise.
  3. Don't get too off-topic. If a conversation arises, kindly take it elsewhere so it doesn't clog up the game. If I have to ask you more than once, you may be in danger of being kicked from the game.
  4. Explicit language is allowed, graphic content is on thin ice. Remember, there are probably younger ones who want to play the game without being subjected to horrendous things.
  5. I maintain a full right to edit/add-on to these rules whenever I wish.

Tl;DR: Don't be a dick.

How to Play: This will be played in two parts. The first part is "Asking," the second part is "Answering." During the "Asking" phase, someone will be asking questions for another to answer. During the "Answering" phase, someone will be answering questions that have been asked to them. Some rules about this:

  1. Don't spam one or two people with all of the questions.
  2. The "Asking" and "Answering" phases must be typed in separate posts.
  3. No leading questions. Examples: "Why are you such a bitch to certain people?", "Don't you agree that Tolkien is way better than Rowling?" None of that.
  4. The person answering has a right to decline questions they don't wish to address.


  • Step One: Tag/Mention the person to which you will be asking questions.
  • Step Two: Ask them anywhere from 1-10 questions. No more than 10 though, that can be quite overwhelming.
  • Step Three: Wait at least 30 minutes before asking another round of questions. Give them time to respond.


  • Step One: Quote what you're answering. It gives needed context and also helps if the "Asking" post was a ways back.
  • Step Two: Answer however you like, even if you don't want to address a question, please include something along the lines of "I don't feel comfortable answering this question" so others know to not ask something like that to you.
  • Step Three: If you were asked by multiple people, answer their questions in separate posts. That's just common courtesy.
  • Step Four: Be as honest as you can in your answers. This is a "get to know you" game, so if you aren't answering honestly, well then that kinda just defeats the whole purpose of this thread.

Have fun!

@Acetylcholine terrain



  1. What name do you go by on here?
  2. Why is your username the way it is?
  3. Do you think of yourself as a decent person? Why or why not?
  4. What is your favorite flower? Why?
  5. What is your safe place? (AKA: Where do you go to in your mind to calm down or relax?)

@Anemone eco

@Pineapple_Princess (I genuinely want to get to know you better so…)


  1. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
  2. Do you enjoy writing or reading more?
  3. What are some of your favourite hobbies?
  4. What element do you feel you connect the most with and why?
  5. Why is Dr. Seuss your favourite author?

Deleted user

( Totally into this, so I'm going to stalk for a while 'till I figure out what I want to ask, and to who, haha. )

@Pineapple_Princess eco

@The-one-and-only-Gaius-Cassius-Longinus (I would really enjoy getting to know you )

Your questions and my answers:

  1. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
    That's a tough one seeing as I love a lot of animals. Maybe a shark? those are pretty cool.
  2. Do you enjoy writing or reading more?
    I like reading more just because I can't really get writer's block from that and I like to see how other peoples brains work.
  3. What are some of your favourite hobbies?
    I like to play videogames, read, hang out with friends, study, and garden.
  4. What element do you feel you connect the most with and why?
    If you're talking about like fire, water, earth, and air. Then water.
  5. Why is Dr. Seuss your favourite author?
    He's goofy and I like the way his brain works. He's kinda wack.

@Acetylcholine terrain



  1. What is your profile picture? Why?
  2. What is your favorite myth? Why?
  3. What three words would you use to describe yourself?
  4. What is your MBTI test result?
  5. How would you describe your own handwriting?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book



  1. What name do you go by on here?
  2. Why is your username the way it is?
  3. Do you think of yourself as a decent person? Why or why not?
  4. What is your favorite flower? Why?
  5. What is your safe place? (AKA: Where do you go to in your mind to calm down or relax?)

Hey! Honored to be pulled over here.

  1. Well I normally go by Dom, because that's an abbreviation of my real name. Idthink people except for Eris know more of my real name, which I'm fine with as I am a public figure here.
  2. My name now is three things in one. I always have the word Althalosian in my name. (Emi calls me Al because of that.) Althalos is where most of my best story takes place (all the multiple books of it). Walnut is in there because Eris, my best friend here, once called me an "argumentative walnut" because of my pugnacious (though mostly respectful) nature. The rest of it is because we had a thing going where we were being edgy in response to a user that was trying way too hard. My one before was The-Althalosian-IsNotLikeOtherSquirrels which I considered quite comedic.
  3. Hmm. Good question! I think of myself- well my view is based in the Bible that those that know more of righteousness are held to a higher standard. So even though I may have committed less evil than others, that doesn't mean I'm better than them as I know more of what morality is and have been raised in the church. But as to your actual question. It depends. I have a casual "Sure I'm a decent guy!" But honestly, I know myself to be failing quite badly. So it depends. If I seriously think about it, it's not that I think I'm an bad person based on what I have done exactly, but that I have done and left undone based on what I am capable of. But I also believe as a creature I am Good. But I have done much evil. So I don't think I properly answered your question, but that's as far as I'm going to go.
  4. The first one that sprang to mind was the Iris. I actually in a way don't like Iri. They are limp and easy to damage. But they hold a great sentimental value to me as they are related to my old girlfriend (who is now my friend again!).
  5. Nice one. I don't exactly do a safe space. I sometimes clear my mind, but that is rather hard to do with the complex craziness of it. I am very big on learning to control my mind which I have been alright at learning. So if there is a problem I attempt to squash it out of existence. But something like the answer is my comfort read. If I feel a certain longing, I sometimes go and reread the beginning of The Steward and the King (from Return of the King). Faramir is what I consider the epitome of manhood to be, and I love to watch his and Eowyn's dynamic. Plus I'm a sucker for any good romance. But it has to be good.

Now for some questions for you.

  1. Is there something you feel really proud of yourself for doing or accomplishing? If so, what?
  2. If you could wish for one thing for yourself (mortal world things only, no resurrecting or changing the past or dealing in the afterlife), what would it be?
  3. What is something that has changed you as a person, good or bad thing?

@Acetylcholine terrain

Those are beautiful answers, Dom. Thank you for humoring me and allowing myself and others to learn more about you. I will have my responses up in a bit, I would like to eat lunch first though.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Those are beautiful answers, Dom. Thank you for humoring me and allowing myself and others to learn more about you. I will have my responses up in a bit, I would like to eat lunch first though.

Thank you.

@Acetylcholine terrain

Now for some questions for you.

  1. Is there something you feel really proud of yourself for doing or accomplishing? If so, what?
  2. If you could wish for one thing for yourself (mortal world things only, no resurrecting or changing the past or dealing in the afterlife), what would it be?
  3. What is something that has changed you as a person, good or bad thing?

Finally, to answer your questions.

  1. As cliche as this may sound, I'm actually really proud of myself for making it this far. There was a point in my life when I didn't think I would live this long or get this far, but I have, and I am. I am living. Thriving. Flourishing. I survived, and that's an accomplishment I am proud of.
  2. I would wish for a cure for all cancers. It may not be able to help me now, but it would help so many people now and far into the future. That's enough for me to sleep better at night.
  3. Honestly, I'm rather stuck on this one. So many things have happened and changed me, some for the good and others for the bad. It's hard for me to pinpoint just one of these characterizing events. After some thought though, I think I finally came to an answer we were both looking for. It was the moment I realized that I had fallen for someone I shouldn't. It happened a while ago, so it didn't really pop into my head until I sat here and really thought about it. He was the first male to show genuine interest in me, and I thought I would be safe dipping my toes into the waters with him when in reality he was using me as a rebound. It didn't end well, and I had to cut off all ties of communication to avoid the backlash of his rage. I learned a lot during that time, but mainly I learned to not let my heart alone guide me because the heart could be easily tricked and fooled without consulting the brain.

@Anemone eco

Bet. @RedTheHopeless

  1. I saw in your bio that you like dancing? What do you enjoy about it? And any particular type?
  2. Why is your favourite book Dealing with Dragons?
  3. If you could save one place on Earth from a disaster, what place would you save? Why?
  4. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?


Bet. @RedTheHopeless

  1. I saw in your bio that you like dancing? What do you enjoy about it? And any particular type?
  2. Why is your favourite book Dealing with Dragons?
  3. If you could save one place on Earth from a disaster, what place would you save? Why?
  4. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?

Ohoho alrighty then

  1. I enjoy dancing as a release of my stagnant energy in a beautiful way. I particularly enjoy jazz because the movements are so fun and groovy.
  2. It's my favorite book because it opened my eyes to a whole new way of writing. I first read it when I was like 9 and I loved it. A book that turns tropes around? In the 5th grade? Hell yeah. And ever since then, I reread it every couple of years to remind myself of that spark, and to catch things I never caught before.
  3. I would say the Amazon Rainforest but I'm already too late for saving that so I'll just settle on saving my home town and its mountain.
  4. Hmm… Bohemian Rhapsody. A long song with like 7 different types of music lodged into it, and it's a classic?! Hell yeah.