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Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

people that I listed our standing right outside the door that leads into the bathroom where I am now sitting


Let them in. Close your eyes and unlock the door. It's probably the hardest thing you'll ever have to do, but you'll look back one day and thank yourself

seriously. you won't regret it. one day, maybe not soon, but one day you'll be so glad you didn't let go

Deleted user

this is taylor. I think someone will have to pick the lock which won’t be that hard but he won’t let anyone in

Deleted user

and yes I have the login details for his account and yes he knows lol


Does he have access to anything dangerous then? Please, just get in there and don't say a word, just sit with him and hold him or do as much as he'll let you

Deleted user

I am very surprised… savanna got in there with no problems except the lock and hes only known her for a couple days now… another surprising thing is she is in eighth grade and he is in 11th