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Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

oh yes. But I’ve known that for years. I was talking about how withdrawn he is tonight

Deleted user

from what happened this morning I just about new it would be this way


I knew someone who is gone now, and she never let any one know how she was feeling. that was why it hurt her so much. PLease, find someone that will just listen to you and talk to them whether it's Hannah or whoever. Let them help


I know it's hard, I really do. But if you hold on for this one minute longer, I can promise you everything will get better. Not perfect, far from that, but better. All you have to do is hold on for one minute. All you have to do is answer this message, and it'll be ok.


hey austin i dont know you and you dont know me at all but like i care. i care a lot about these amazing people on this amazing website and that includes you. so hold on. hold on for your friends. the people on this website care so friggin much okay? and we want you here. youre an amazing person and i need you to know that


There is a point! There's always a point. You are a beautiful, complex person who is hurting. That sucks. But that's why you have us. Because although you may be hurting no one is broken. No one is past the point until there's no one left to care, and look at these messages! SO MANY PEOPLE CARE


they all care about you right, and you care about them. talk to them,,, please,, open up a little. it's the hardest thing to do, i know, but it's a good thing to do and you won't regret as long as you open up to the right people

Deleted user

they all tryna open the door but they don’t need to see me like this


and if you think that they're gonna think you're a burden, you aren't. i promise. I don't know you but i know you are an amazing and complex person who deserves to live.


most of the others couldn’t care less

Well then you know what? FUCK THE OTHERS! pardon my language
They don't matter if they don't care. You matter because we care. Stay with us, please