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Started by Deleted user

people_alt 44 followers


Good! I went and saw Bye Bye Birdie (a musical set in the 50s) today at the school I'm going to be at next year.


Good! I went and saw Bye Bye Birdie (a musical set in the 50s) today at the school I'm going to be at next year.

That's awesome! I love musicals! I saw Grease two days ago and it was good. Are you going to be in theater at the school?


Good! I went and saw Bye Bye Birdie (a musical set in the 50s) today at the school I'm going to be at next year.

That's awesome! I love musicals! I saw Grease two days ago and it was good. Are you going to be in theater at the school?

I don't think so. I'm really introverted (my tired dumbass almost typed extroverted) and dancing/singing in front of an auditorium full of people? Kind of not really at all my thing.

Deleted user

as my decisions reach into the future
I wish I could freeze the hands of time
because this won’t last forever

Deleted user

right now, losing sleep over you
running out of other ways to get threw
try to cut you out, and hide from the truth
I know you’re too important i hope i’m too
it really couldn’t be any harder
to think about letting go
I thought that I could be stronger, but now I know
you’re all that I need
you still don’t see ………… so I’m gonna fight for you
because I’ve got nothing left to lose

Deleted user

yet another track i wrote that went to another artist