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Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

I simply don’t have a reason to exist anymore… I ask myself why I’ve stayed and I don’t even know the answer to that. Two years of pure hell have pushed me over the edge.
to anyone i’ve hurt, i’m sorry. i can’t leave without sincerely thanking each and everyone of you for joining me on this hell of a ride…
i’m sorry.
sincerely: Austin Hollinger


I don't know you that well but please talk to me or stark or anyone (If your comfortable with it) but there are so many people willing to listen and so many people on here who care about you


No there won’t, think of your friends, the relationships you created, online, offline whatever! Their will constantly be that feeling of sadness knowing that nothing we said made a difference


I feel like I know where this is going
There are people here who care and are willing to listen and help, I hate to see you hurting and I haven't even spoken to you much imagine how much everyone else on here cared about you. If you want we could PM and I can listen to whatevers bothering you weather it be one thing or a thousand things and I'm sure everyone else on here would do the same thing in a heartbeat


Hey stranger. Welp, ya see- I don't know if I have the right to say anything because I'm just here but I was up and I figured if I've got a chance, I'll take it.

So, life is this thing we all hate deep down because we get attached to some parts, some parts we wish would just yeet out of the way, some are just. Oofs. I've discovered that there are moments worth the wait. Humans are not problems, they are organic matter with minds and hearts, however broken, that are ultimately meant to be loved, so, if you need love, Notebook can give it, I know that much. I know, I know- who am I, a complete stranger, to even begin to understand what exactly is going on right now? The truth of the matter is, I don't. Everyone feels pain in different way, but no one should feel alone in their pain. And so, here I am. A stranger telling you that although I do not know you, I am nothing but a user on this forum to most, I care. I care so much, my chest seizes up as I can only imagine the stuffs and oofs. But I am here, so are others. And we will listen. And we will love. And we will care. As much as our tiny hearts and minds allow us.

Deleted user

taylor, (witch is my 2nd best friend) is trying to open the door