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Started by Deleted user

people_alt 44 followers

Deleted user

You can work through this Austin. He'll come out eventually, try and be gentle about it?

Deleted user

Ask them nicely if they can get something for you. if they say no, just show them this please:
please give Austin some food, he is feeling extremely tired and hungry. thank you.

Deleted user

i have no idea what just happened. he got a notification on his phone and suddenly went very quiet…

Deleted user

shes saying that he got some information but she doesn’t want to say what

Deleted user

she seems to be able to do that with almost everyone though so I’m not surprised

Deleted user

as for the community on notebook, i regretfully say, with the upmost sadness, that you shouldn’t blame yourselves for any of the forthcoming events.
everything happens for a reason, and boiling water will eventually boil over if not turned down.