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Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

if it were to leak, it would start an uncontainable fire that would burn the entire Internet to the ground

Deleted user

it wasnt individual notes. It was almost 3 paragraphs long

Deleted user

first paragraph addresses me Chelsea savana and a few others. Second paragraph addresses the notebook community here and the final lines are an apology about what would’ve happen.

Deleted user

there’s a bunch of very cryptic language there though which I’m not entirely sure of the meaning

Deleted user

their was a time that we didn’t tell any of you about where only savana could get to him. she metaphorically coaxed him from the edge. that’s not the first time she’s done that for someone

Deleted user

she approached him out of nowhere during sixth period Last Tuesday

Deleted user

he is generally pretty talkative and she being in the same class with him for the past year knew that. She said that she knew something was up and wanted to figure out what but that wasn’t easy because he kept attempting to shut her and everyone else out. with the way she approaches nearly everyone, he apparently didn’t see a reason to try doing that anymore.

Deleted user

lots of people would say that she has the type of personality that would make you not want to shut her out. I would have to agree

Deleted user

because when she approached me for the first time I was doing virtually the same thing he was but wasn’t as withdrawn