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Started by Deleted user

people_alt 44 followers

Deleted user

savanna and I are sitting here talking and she’s like “didn’t you release never give up? Wasn’t it recorded in 2016?,”
… I don’t know how to respond lmao

Deleted user

we were speaking about unbreakable here………
savanna: “you recorded never give up in 2016. Did you not? me: yes I did. Savanna: unbreakable is probably the best song that could possibly be on the album other than truth or lie……… you say that one of the reasons you don’t want to put it out is because it’s no longer relevant. Right? me:yes……… where are you going with this? savana: even though you don’t, don’t you think someone else could connect with this song?


I don't have a YouTube account but I will be keeping tabs on you- geez that sounds creepy - not in a stalker way.

Deleted user

maybe I do release it……… Maybe I don’t. I don’t know (yet)


I don't have a YouTube account but I will be keeping tabs on you- geez that sounds creepy - not in a stalker way.

Same. (And hey I'm back. Are you doing okay?)

Deleted user

My life is a movie
and everyone’s watching
so let’s get to the good part
and past all the nonsense #NowPlaying🔥