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Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Because you are a human being with opinions, looks, a personality, a job, a role in this life. Your role matters. You matter. We care.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

We'll "waste" as much time as we gosh-darned have to. It's not a waste at all. Look, this can't continue, every day he's struggling and not sure if he can keep going. There are professionals who can help him better than we can. Have you tried the suicide hotline yet? There's a texting hotline too if you or him don't feel able to talk to someone directly. I have the numbers right here if you want them. Austin, I'm hoping you'll see this too. Please ask for help, it's okay and nobody will think any less of you.

Deleted user

think i know what we can do. he needs to get out of the house because it seems to be making this worse

Deleted user

i apparently need to get out of the house……… what could it hurt?!

Deleted user

internally I’m saying “maybe I shouldn’t do this,” but maybe all of you are right that it shouldn’t be this way