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Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

it comes down to two choices……… I can wait until the clouds give way to son, or give up……… I have no idea how long the first option or check. Seems I will be waiting for an eternity because it’s been this way for a little over two years

Deleted user

I don’t have very much strength nor energy left internally

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I don’t have very much strength nor energy left internally

Well neither do I. I haven't had sleep in 4 days, and I've be left alone with my thoughts. But guess what? I still fight for the sun… I fight for the light that will come and bathe me in goodness….

Deleted user

into how many pieces would you allow a vase to shatter before you would say that there’s nothing you can do?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

In China, a broken vase was fixed by putting gold in the cracks. It made it more valuable, and more desirable to the one who looked upon it. You can have as many cracks as the next person, but the cracks let the light shine through, and it shows that you have a heart of the purest gold…


That's right. I have found myself staring death in the face multiple times throughout the course of my life, and overcome it, since before I can remember, and I'm sure you have enough personsl power, grit, fortitude and pride to stand up and live your life just as I, and many others on this site alone have done. You're strong enough.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'll guarantee that i'm one of the most broken people. I've been shot, and stabbed, and told that I was never good enough, and that I didn't fit the mold. I was so done with life itself. Until I met the one person that brings me joy, and the one person that I can look to. He's a little broken now, and he can't remember most of the things that we did together, and now I realize, that I have to be stronger than I ever thought I would… it's hard, but when it's over with and done, it will one of the best rewards that I could have asked for…

Deleted user

I just heard a crack and the studio door came open. I don’t know how that’s possible because the door locks from the inside and there is no way too get to the lock from the outside………… Chelsea, Hannah, Maddison, Carley, Taylor, and Kaitlyn are all here……… now I can’t go anywhere


That's right… Between breaking bones, losing people, and having some absolutely shit luck, I can say I've given up on life a few times, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you get back up, and you stsy up for as long as you can. Life has it's ups and downs, and we'll try as hard as we can to boost you up when you're feeling high, and cushion you when you fall. As are your friends.

Deleted user

and savanna just unintentionally scared me half to death. I walked around the corner and there she was