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Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

WOOOOW!!!! someone i haven’t seen since may 2017 just showed up!!!!!

Deleted user

just like old times. where it’s me, Taylor, ansley, Caitlin, and the whole entire group

Deleted user

I just stood there awkwardly wondering what was going on trying to figure out whether this was someone I should trust or not.
me: cautiously steps back a few steps savana: hey, it’s okay……… i’m right here. me: (thinks)
“what is going on here? What have I gotten myself into?,”

Deleted user

next thing I know, someone is walking up towards us. I turned around to attempt to avoid whoever it was (which I didn’t know) at the time. But my attempt was in vain. Taylor and savana blocked my path……… Ansley said something and it took me a few seconds to realize who it was. Then, it was like we had never stopped talking………… Like we had never went our separate ways

Deleted user

and now we’re all sitting around talking as if nothing has happened