forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@Eli-the-transboi group

If I may- I shall rant-

So- idk what teachers problems are. Because if your student is not doing their work, showing absolutely NO interest is your class, and not listening to lectures…


There is no need to call the parents. There’s no need to write them up. Literally just leave them alone! That kid doesn’t want anything to do with your class so let them fail!


If I may- I shall rant-

So- idk what teachers problems are. Because if your student is not doing their work, showing absolutely NO interest is your class, and not listening to lectures…


There is no need to call the parents. There’s no need to write them up. Literally just leave them alone! That kid doesn’t want anything to do with your class so let them fail!

Listen, you're probably not going to like hearing this, but my mom was a teacher for 20 years so I know the other side of the story.

One, administration literally makes the teachers call your parents. If you're failing, it is policy to report that to the parents. If you're not participating or paying attention or showing no interest, they have to report it to the parents. It is policy and the admin will get on them about it.
Second, they are concerned about you. They want to know if there is anything going on at home or anything they can do to help you. Teachers want you to succeed in their class.
Third, it is disrespectful. Teachers have put in the time and effort to prepare the lecture and their classrooms and doing what they can to make sure they properly educate you. There is so much work that goes on outside of the classroom. Teachers spend hours at home preparing this for you. They spend hundreds of their own dollars ont he classroom that they will not get back because the school will not fund them. it is disrespectful to the teacher to ignore them and not listen and pay attention. So yes, they will call home and inform your parents about that.

Now, i am speaking from a general standpoint. You may have just an awful teacher who doesn't care and deserves to be ranted about and it wasn't the right thing to do at the moment. I understand that. This is just a general, overall reason for it


It's no problem. You're free to rant. I just wanted to put it in perspective. And again, if you have a bad teacher, then that really doesn't apply. If it's a good teacher, try talking to them. I promise your teacher wants to see you succeed. They will appreciate you coming to them with your concerns

@Eli-the-transboi group

Well if I do ima get into even more trouble then I already am- cause there’s a reason I’m not trying in school and Rhys already knows- ;-;

But yeah I get it that the teachers try.

Deleted user

Well if I do ima get into even more trouble then I already am- cause there’s a reason I’m not trying in school and Rhys already knows- ;-;

But yeah I get it that the teachers try.

care to tell me why? you dont have to if you dont want to

@RhysTheFirebird group

If I may- I shall rant-

So- idk what teachers problems are. Because if your student is not doing their work, showing absolutely NO interest is your class, and not listening to lectures…


There is no need to call the parents. There’s no need to write them up. Literally just leave them alone! That kid doesn’t want anything to do with your class so let them fail!

Listen, you're probably not going to like hearing this, but my mom was a teacher for 20 years so I know the other side of the story.

One, administration literally makes the teachers call your parents. If you're failing, it is policy to report that to the parents. If you're not participating or paying attention or showing no interest, they have to report it to the parents. It is policy and the admin will get on them about it.
Second, they are concerned about you. They want to know if there is anything going on at home or anything they can do to help you. Teachers want you to succeed in their class.
Third, it is disrespectful. Teachers have put in the time and effort to prepare the lecture and their classrooms and doing what they can to make sure they properly educate you. There is so much work that goes on outside of the classroom. Teachers spend hours at home preparing this for you. They spend hundreds of their own dollars ont he classroom that they will not get back because the school will not fund them. it is disrespectful to the teacher to ignore them and not listen and pay attention. So yes, they will call home and inform your parents about that.

Now, i am speaking from a general standpoint. You may have just an awful teacher who doesn't care and deserves to be ranted about and it wasn't the right thing to do at the moment. I understand that. This is just a general, overall reason for it

It’s because a lot of places now heave this no kid left behind thing.
I mean, about 40 years ago, they weren’t so hard pressed to make sure the kid is successful. When my dad went to school, he never payed attention and no one tried to force him to. . .
Things are different.

Though, you should graduate high school no matter what, without a high school diploma or a GED, it makes it super hard to get a stable job.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

It’s because a lot of places now heave this no kid left behind thing.
I mean, about 40 years ago, they weren’t so hard pressed to make sure the kid is successful. When my dad went to school, he never payed attention and no one tried to force him to. . .
Things are different.

Though, you should graduate high school no matter what, without a high school diploma or a GED, it makes it super hard to get a stable job.

Thins are indeed different.
No Child Left Behind, in particular, plays a huge role in this. It's now been revised to the Every Student Succeeds Act, and it has to do with how schools get federal funding. If that teacher just leaves you alone, you become part of a statistic that can lose a ton of money for that school or district. Teachers are under pressure from all sides to try and get you to succeed, even if it's clear you want nothing to do with them.

In other words, don't take it personally. Unless that teacher is just the worst kind of person, them taking all those steps has next to nothing to do with you personally. They're not out to get you.
Just out to keep their funding, or their job.

in fewer words, Youre not the problem, Eli. Rant away.

Deleted user

Naw. There’s no point in even complaining at this point. Sorry guys.

bestie rant if you need to rant. it'll help you feel better. i promise