forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@Serpentess health_and_safety language

emerges from the shadows into the summoning circle deep in the sub-basement, obscene slabs of sugary biomass slopping everywhere as i ingest the skittle sacrifice
deep bass rumblings overlaid with treble tones I heard the rattling of so many skittles, children… you have woken me once again

Yes! Priestess Squeaky does a celebratory dance. There are some here that have not declared you the Great Skittles. say we must change that.

you dont get to do a celebratory dance. i was the one who summoned him

Priestess Squeaky gives an overly dramatic indignant look. I helped, and I built a shrine for him. That is enough for celebration.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Yes! Priestess Squeaky does a celebratory dance. There are some here that have not declared you the Great Skittles. I say we must change that.

voice gentles, turning to sibilant whispers that seem to echo too close to your ears
This is not my saga. Those here may declare as they wish. I am but an extra boon to those who feed me

Deleted user

throws a bunch of skittles into a void that opens beneath me, then closes the void try and get all of those

Deleted user

I’m writing lore for chicken saga echo. I’m thinking about what I’m going to write. I’m sad as fuck now.

what are you writing

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Yes! Priestess Squeaky does a celebratory dance. There are some here that have not declared you the Great Skittles. I say we must change that.

voice gentles, turning to sibilant whispers that seem to echo too close to your ears
This is not my saga. Those here may declare as they wish. I am but an extra boon to those who feed me

Priestess Squeaky hums… True. But, I shall still call you Great Skittles. Holds out another bag of skittles as an offering.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group


hey gabs :>

Oh hey Avry how’s it going

im alive and in an in person high school so 👍🏽. hbu?

Oh nice
I hated high school lol
Just had the weirdest freaking shift ever but you know what it was fine I guess Lol.

huh interesting. for u 🍰 if you still like them…


Deleted user

im kinda interested in this "skittle cult" ngl…

Me too ngl…

tastes like diabetes but not…

Deleted user

^^ hey I’ll give you a bunch of skittles if you murder me

oooh! same!!

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

throws a bunch of skittles into a void that opens beneath me, then closes the void try and get all of those

splits into astral and other-dimensional versions of myself, and enters the void with ease, returning with the skittles clasped firmly in my numberless tentacles A challenge. Most delightful, Titan.

Deleted user

^^ hey I’ll give you a bunch of skittles if you murder me

oooh! same!!

ya me too

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

I’m writing lore for chicken saga echo. I’m thinking about what I’m going to write. I’m sad as fuck now.

what are you writing

I’m writing lore for Echo (me). And since I’m technically Visio’s sister… I’m gonna have to write that. And I’m sad now.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Priestess Squeaky gives an overly dramatic indignant look. I helped, and I built a shrine for him. That is enough for celebration.

Indeed, the shrine is most appreciated, but… eating skittles from ALL sources
No gift is too small. No summon too miniscule to be recognized. All have their place

Priestess Squeaky bows. Shall I then try to grow your cult?

Deleted user

throws a bunch of skittles into a void that opens beneath me, then closes the void try and get all of those

splits into astral and other-dimensional versions of myself, and enters the void with ease, returning with the skittles clasped firmly in my numberless tentacles A challenge. Most delightful, Titan.

nods of course eldritch horror skittle god bows