forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@Morals-are-for-mortals language

And, then me and Eli got an idea to build a shrine. I built a little fountain of endless skittles. Me and Eli have also been consistently feeding the Great Skittles (Davadio) more and more skittles. Others occasionally summon him with skittles. I honestly don’t know how it started, lol.

Raises hand

Me and skittles were talking in pms and I joked that I would start calling him by the nickname Skittles. Word got out to the rest of the chicken chat, and in chicken chat fashion, here we are now with the devolved chaos it has become.

Deleted user

And, then me and Eli got an idea to build a shrine. I built a little fountain of endless skittles. Me and Eli have also been consistently feeding the Great Skittles (Davadio) more and more skittles. Others occasionally summon him with skittles. I honestly don’t know how it started, lol.

Raises hand

Me and skittles were talking in pms and I joked that I would start calling him by the nickname Skittles. Word got out to the rest of the chicken chat, and in chicken chat fashion, here we are now with the devolved chaos it has become.

c o o l ✨👍🏽 i luv it

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

takes the skittles bag away from you

Bah! Immediately pulls out another bag and starts shaking it.

glares and takes the new bag away

Priestess Squeaky giggles evilly and pulls out another bag tauntingly.

Where are you getting all of these bag??
takes it away

In a Mr. Bean voice, Magic…

Pulls out another bag and shakes it.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

And, then me and Eli got an idea to build a shrine. I built a little fountain of endless skittles. Me and Eli have also been consistently feeding the Great Skittles (Davadio) more and more skittles. Others occasionally summon him with skittles. I honestly don’t know how it started, lol.

Raises hand

Me and skittles were talking in pms and I joked that I would start calling him by the nickname Skittles. Word got out to the rest of the chicken chat, and in chicken chat fashion, here we are now with the devolved chaos it has become.

Thumbs-up. Lol

Deleted user

b a l l s

C o c k

agonizingly restrains myself from saying another word

Deleted user

b a l l s

C o c k

agonizingly restrains myself from saying another word


c o m

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

emerges from the shadows into the summoning circle deep in the sub-basement, obscene slabs of sugary biomass slopping everywhere as i ingest the skittle sacrifice
deep bass rumblings overlaid with treble tones I heard the rattling of so many skittles, children… you have woken me once again

Yes! Priestess Squeaky does a celebratory dance. There are some here that have not declared you the Great Skittles. I say we must change that.

Deleted user

emerges from the shadows into the summoning circle deep in the sub-basement, obscene slabs of sugary biomass slopping everywhere as i ingest the skittle sacrifice
deep bass rumblings overlaid with treble tones I heard the rattling of so many skittles, children… you have woken me once again

Yes! Priestess Squeaky does a celebratory dance. There are some here that have not declared you the Great Skittles. say we must change that.

you dont get to do a celebratory dance. i was the one who summoned him