forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


I'd like to be rude to my best friend's mom for forcing her children on an incredibly strict vegan diet even though her youngest are seriously lacking in protein and need some proper food so they can gain a healthy amount of weight you absolute bag of hypocritical heck cabbage-
First refusing to vaccinate them until they got hecking pneumonia and now depriving them of nutrients-???
I don't care what meme some other anti-vaxxing oil business-scamming insufferable vegan facebook mom of 7 kids shared with you about the severe dangers of (die)ting and why (heal)thy vegetables are all you need to survive as an adult woman, that doesn't mean your growing toddlers aren't going to have any problems when you take away a large majority of their proper balanced meals.
Honestly, I have a better suggestion, how about you take your fricking carrot dogs and shove them down the sewers where the rest of your excuses came from you narcissistic cashew
thank you for understanding.

Deleted user

not to be overdramatic

but people who force young children and carnivorous animals onto vegan diets and don’t vaccinate their children need to go to a special place up Hitler’s left fucking asshole and through his esophagus and stay there until Hitler himself stabs his throat into them and allows their children and animals to feast on their decaying corpse.

also fuck you if you think vaccines didn’t 1) save my fucking life and 2) meat is bad for you because nothing’s taking me away from extra protein

i will definitely end up deleting this


My boyfriend's mom forces him to be on a vegan diet, and guess what
He's severely malnourished and underweight
Like, he only weighs a little over ninety pounds
That's not good for him
Also his mother is generally a bitch to him even though he did nothing wrong

Deleted user

Well, if she deleted it, she doesn't want people to see it

So her secret's safe with me


Without vaccines you can't live. Simple.

Well, technically you can live without vaccines, but you could also live off of copious amounts of breast milk and worms for a pretty decent amount of time.

…just because it’s possible doesn’t make it smart

Vaccines help prevent you from getting and spreading severe, sometimes deadly illnesses. That doesn’t mean everyone who doesn’t get them will immediately get polio and die painfully, but they’re at a much, much higher risk and it really doesn’t make sense to not take those precautions that could potentially save a child

@Moxie group

Aight I’m tired so this is gonna be blunt

If you’re making your kid be vegan or even vegetarian for health reasons and they’re not getting enough protein or nutrients then fuck you, you’re not being a good parent.
If you’re doing it for environmental reasons then just fucking like .. don’t buy red meat or cows milk. Not that ducking hard. Do your research and find out what is actually infecting the environment.

Also like. Fucking vaccinate your kids. Like. Don’t be a dumbass. The concept of introducing your immune system to a little bit of disease to build immunity is not a new one. Just like. Don’t be fucking stupid

@Mojack group

God I don’t like getting vaccinations that much because of previous experiences with them but…the pros outweigh the cons by A LOT. Like right now I’m due to get some done, I don’t really like to but it’ll help protect me from disease and sicknesses that not that long ago, we didn’t have good medical knowledge for those sorts of things.

And now we do and things have improved so much, then you’ve got the people that are like ‘oh, vaccines cause autism or are dangerous’ like really? I’m a person on the spectrum who gets her vaccines when she needs to, because like I said the pros do outweigh the cons. I guess vaccines CAN be dangerous if you have a certain allergy but they usually find ways around that I think? I don’t know too much about that though
And you might feel a little unwell for a day or so after the vaccination, but in the end your risk for getting the sickness will be a lot lower than someone who hasn’t gotten their vaccinations.

And about the vegan stuff, while humans are natural omnivores we’re pretty adaptable and can adapt to a lot of different diets….as long as you do your research and know how to have a balanced diet. If someone’s kids on that sort of diet isn’t getting enough of a certain vitamin or protein..they’re a bad parent. And honestly I personally don’t think very young kids should be on that sort of diet anyways.

@The-Magician group

I personally don’t see anything wrong with a vegan/vegetarian diet, I do have an issue with a strict vegan diet, because there are certain nutrients that people need to survive.

Up until two months ago I was still eating white meat such as chicken and fish, however now I stick to a Quorn based diet because it just tastes nicer and it’s a natural form of controlling your weight. I have oat milk and coconut milk rather than cow milk, and if I choose to have chocolate then vegan is always my go to because it just tastes better. I had a vegan hoisin “duck” wrap the other week at college, where the “duck” was pea protein and potato starch—— and it wasn’t half bad!
My point is that a vegan diet isn’t always a bad thing, if it’s done properly. And from the sounds of it, those mums are not doing their kids any favours (and this is how vegan haters are born, because of stupid parents)

As for antivax individuals: Go fuck yourself. My boyfriends mum is an antivax mum because she genuinely believes that they are the cause of her daughter’s autism. Like no, you dumb blonde, autism can not be caused by vaccinations!!! And so now because of her idiocy, my boyfriend has not had the vaccinations for the illnesses that will kill him, and if he wants to have them then he has to pay a lot of money because he missed them (whereas if he’d had them when he was SUPPOSED TO, he wouldn’t have to pay)!!!. If he dies from meningitis, tetanus, or polio, or even the flu, then I hope she will be proud of herself for being such a stupid bitch.

@Pickles group

dances in and if you're gonna say you're vegan because it's cruelty free or whatever shit, do your research about what's actually cruelty free, cause like, almonds.. nuh-uh

@Pickles group

Also, discovered that my parents hardly give a crap about the environment other than recycling.
Me: this is what we talked about in earth and environmental science. It's kind of important
My parents: it's not a big deal
Me: ????? Yes it is?????

@The-Magician group

dances in and if you're gonna say you're vegan because it's cruelty free or whatever shit, do your research about what's actually cruelty free, cause like, almonds.. nuh-uh

THANK clap YOU!! clap

@ElderGod-kirky group

My teacher advocates for the vegan lifestyle 'cause he was overweight and now he's not (and apparently it's helped his wife's health? I dunno, she's still not doin too good tho). I could never. I love chicken too much. And other food.


I think it's reasonable to be vegetarian
I just think vegans are kinda stupid
Even if you don't eat meat, like, eggs man
Eat eggs
They're good for you
And the whole not drinking milk thing?? Like, it's bad for cows to not milk them. Just drink the damn milk?? Why do you think it's bad to drink milk??

Deleted user

I'm vegetarian…

And that's crazy. But we don't hold that against you. Each to their own.

…Why is it crazy?????

@Pickles group

Pickles' guide to understandable and crazy reasons to be vegetarian:
Understandable: dietary reasons/restrictions, moral reasons
Crazy: "I just don't like the taste of meat" (if this is you, you're a fucking psychopath and no thank you), almost any other reason

Deleted user

See, I'm not going to say I dislike meat. It's good. But I'm vegetarian because of animal rights.