forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

My main issue is that you stalk for five pages at a time, then randomly post to try and attack me when I literally just admitted I made a mistake

Deleted user

Also, trying to tell me how the chat I moderate works

How cute


don't worry. my attacking isn't fuckin random, baylee. im pissed over a lot of things right now and yeah, you made a mistake, but you didn't admit that. show me where you admitted that, not where you 'clarified' by adding context you could have put in the first post


hey guess what! i don't give a shit what you moderate and don't! i don't honestly fucking care because you know what? if anyone but you decided they wanted me gone, i would leave. but i don't give a shit what you think because you're being an asshole!

Deleted user

The "Context is everything"???

I mean, do you want me to write a paragraph to apologize for not providing context to a vent?

Deleted user

hey guess what! i don't give a shit what you moderate and don't! i don't honestly fucking care because you know what? if anyone but you decided they wanted me gone, i would leave. but i don't give a shit what you think because you're being an asshole!

Also, I never asked for you to leave. You are perfectly welcome in this chat

The "Mind your business" comment was solely for the conversation I was having with Moxie


im absolutely willing to admit that that's my bad for missing that in the rapid fire posts.

and no. that's not what im after lmao. no apology out of your mouth is anything i want, thanks. im here to be rude to you because i feel its well justified

Deleted user

Eris is the mod tho

She is the owner

Me Jyn, Dom, and Lee are the mods

Deleted user

im absolutely willing to admit that that's my bad for missing that in the rapid fire posts.

and no. that's not what im after lmao. no apology out of your mouth is anything i want, thanks. im here to be rude to you because i feel its well justified

Can I know why you feel as though it's justified?

Cause I haven't talk to you in a solid month.

Deleted user


I'm sorry, Moxie

@ElderGod-kirky group

Can I know why you feel as though it's justified?

Cause I haven't talk to you in a solid month.

That's the exact fucking reason we're pissed at you Baylee.

We were your friends, and when you start to get recognition by the more popular users on this site, suddenly you cut all contact and don't even fucking bother with us. Your swollen ego is clear, from how you throw your weight around, moderator, and get after people in the most assholish and fuckwad way possible. We tried talking to you, because that's what friends fucking do, and what do we get? Silence until it's convenient for you.

We're fed up with your shit, to put it simply

Deleted user

Oh, but who has the last post in the Cult Chat? Hm?

Oh, yeah. Me.

Sorry that my phone got taken, but I had no control over that

Figured you would've seen my vent on here about it

guess not.

@ElderGod-kirky group

That last post is because we were already done. That last post was after we made attempts at talking to you, but you treated us like no better than the dirt beneath your feet. You've conveniently managed to keep contact with others on here, and you were perfectly capable of giving us a heads up, not letting us figure it out through vague posts on this chat. You had time to roleplay, and not tell us what the fuck happened and why you cut contact.

Deleted user

This is why I cut contacts.

Anytime I'd say something that either of you didn't agree with, I'd get jumped by both of you.

I was tired of it. So I left.

And yeah, I have been acting like an asshole on here. I find it easier than trying to make everyone happy. Which is literally all I did with you two, other than that one night that I was cranky and snapped.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So, Baylee, (ugh this feels weird) what you said about ADHD was honestly sort of offensive. And I really don't go into being offended. This really has to do with the fact that I think I have it and that it really screws with me. I was very glad of what Moxie especially and Crocs said. What you said was perfectly reasonable with the context though. And I have issues with leaving out important details so I'm not going to really hold it against you. But you also didn't apologize which didn't help matters.
I don't know what's up, but it's looking like Crocs and Circe have good points. Idk what's up with you guys. You seemed so tight. But… do the best you can by them.