forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Pickles group

I love my mom dearly but sometimes I just want to give her a parenting 101 book, a daily planner, and a reminder of the fact that she has seven freaking children

hEY I bought a planner today :D

I asked for a journal with dots for Christmas for bullet journals not realizing how little pages I actually use and now I have two and most of one and I don't know that I'll use all of them in my life but you know


Her main excuse for not providing us with the things we need (proper education, yearly checkups, socialization, etc) is that she doesn’t have the time, since she’s always cleaning after us, cooking dinner, working on her scam essential oil business, list goes on…
And of course I always believe her, I know her life is much harder than mine and I don’t want to try and push her.

Well the other day, she mentioned her plans for next year. She included the same annual bs speech about how this is going to be the year that we start doing school (we as in my siblings/me, since she just kind of expects us to do it ourselves), how she’s going to dedicate more time to us but then doesn’t, bla bla, etc etc.

…She’s planned weekly coffee dates with her friends, a whole lot of mini vacations with my dad, and quite a few business events under the excuse that she doesn’t like being stuck alone in the house all the time.

Like, I get it, parenting is hard, and you really do deserve a break.
But planning multiple events each week just for you while neglecting the rest of us…???
Are you kidding me?
I go to you for help and you always give me that emotional “I know you’re struggling and I want to help you so bad, but we just don’t have the time or money right now” talk, and since I never seem to learn I always fall for it…

But now that you’re sad because you don’t like having to stay at home to care for us, suddenly you have all the time and money in the world to throw towards movie nights and cupcake parties-!?

I got to spend time with my friends today for the first time in two months.
My brothers probably haven’t seen anyone other than their neighbor in a year or more.
You get to socialize on a regular basis. You’re not gonna die if you have to spend over a week at home to teach your 10-year-old child how to read.

I realize now that I sound pretty hecking terrible and I should probably shut my mouth now

Deleted user

Okay, I'm sorry, but I need more info on this 'scam' essential oil business


Even though her business is kind of a scam I’ll probably end up signing up for it once I’m old enough simply because of like two products that are probably overpriced

Deleted user

Muffin you are more than valid to these feelings that you have. Don't feel bad for being angry. But nothing is going to happen unless you say something about it. No one can know if anything is truly wrong until someone speaks up. I think you really need to tell her how you feel.
Not in a letter. Or a text.
But face to face.
It'll be hard–horrifically so–and it's okay to cry and get angry with her. She is your parent, the one guiding you through life so you know how to exist on your own, and she doesn't appear to be making much of an effort. You need to tell her.
If not for you, then for your siblings that are going to suffer the same as you in the future.

@Pickles group

Why is it a scam tho?

It's overpriced, doesn't do anything, they're mostly stinky, and they indoctrinate you into spending more money and selling them yourself
It's a cult

Deleted user

I hate to say it. But if what you talk about is real, Eris is 100% correct.

why is agreeing with me something you hate to say????

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I hate to say it. But if what you talk about is real, Eris is 100% correct.

why is agreeing with me something you hate to say????

Not that. I know what Nutella will have to go through and would not wish it on most. So I think you are right. I just severely dislike the right you are if you get my meaning.


i can't do that

i can already hear her yelling-

"i work my butt off every day just to keep you ungrateful children fed!" "you're old enough to do your own school, i've given you all the lessons, it's not my fault you're too lazy to complete them." "i'm not neglecting you by having coffee, for god's sake!"

and if she found out you guys encouraged me

i'd probably never be able to speak to you again…

i'd just be even more alone

…there are so many ways this could go wrong and not one that could go right…

i can't do this

Deleted user

Pure Life.

It's the costa rican lifestyle. More than just words.
I guess the easiest way to explain it is to just live. Take your life into your own hands and make it happy and pure for yourself.