forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Y'all I just took a walk around the neighborhood in 26 degrees f while it is literally snowing blizzardly and I had the time of my life

@Pickles group

Oooooh. He was decent in Silence.

"Decent". Driver doesn't do decent, he does phenomenal.


Finally someone who understands.

I'm right here with you in the trash can. Cheers!

it's just his stupid face is soooooo–I want my face on it is all I can say. I've seen most of his movies now but idk why Kylo Fucking Ren speared me in my calcified corpse of a heart.


You know what
We just saw rise of skywalker and I do not need your crap
Screams vaguely in upset and dissatisfaction

Deleted user

I did not see it.
although I have not allowed myself to buy any new reading material until I finish the behemoth stack by my bed…

@ElderGod-kirky group

I'm going to be going to my honorary uncle's house for new years in a few hours and might have to steal his drinks so he doesn't get drunk, as well as possibly get called disrespectful for reading/writing instead of watching movies. yay…

Deleted user

on another note the bastard 'One That Got Away' is flying into seattle and wants to stay with me so he doesn't have to get a hotel.


satanas is tempting me. and I do not like it. go away

Edit: I was nice and told him to take a flying leap.


I love my mom dearly but sometimes I just want to give her a parenting 101 book, a daily planner, and a reminder of the fact that she has seven freaking children

@Pickles group

I love my mom dearly but sometimes I just want to give her a parenting 101 book, a daily planner, and a reminder of the fact that she has seven freaking children

Life hack: give your mom a planner and a picture of all of you under the pretense of it being a present

Deleted user

I love my mom dearly but sometimes I just want to give her a parenting 101 book, a daily planner, and a reminder of the fact that she has seven freaking children

hEY I bought a planner today :D

@HighPockets group

I've been binging compilations of the cast being absolutely hilarious together lol. Check out Star Wars Tricks for some memes and Skywalker Edits for some hilarity with the casts

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

on another note the bastard 'One That Got Away' is flying into seattle and wants to stay with me so he doesn't have to get a hotel.


satanas is tempting me. and I do not like it. go away

Edit: I was nice and told him to take a flying leap.

That doesn’t sound nice.