forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

@HighPockets group


They're the 13 year old who got kicked out so they made a chat of their own and it's just
Rudeness Lite

Oh yes, Lee followed it as soon as it was created because its appearance was a little too coincidental.

Reminds me of when Loch got pissed at me and made their own Incorrect Quotes Chat Lite. Also the whole "this isn't a copy of any other chat" while literally name-dropping 3 in the description is hella suspicious.
(Which kin is this btw)

@Pickles group

Show of hands who thinks Baylee is adorable bcs he. Def is. Adorable loser



@The-Magician group

Oh yes, Lee followed it as soon as it was created because its appearance was a little too coincidental.

Reminds me of when Loch got pissed at me and made their own Incorrect Quotes Chat Lite. Also the whole "this isn't a copy of any other chat" while literally name-dropping 3 in the description is hella suspicious.
(Which kin is this btw)

Well, I suppose I’d have had to introduce myself eventually. My name is Atria, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.

@HighPockets group

Oh yes, Lee followed it as soon as it was created because its appearance was a little too coincidental.

Reminds me of when Loch got pissed at me and made their own Incorrect Quotes Chat Lite. Also the whole "this isn't a copy of any other chat" while literally name-dropping 3 in the description is hella suspicious.
(Which kin is this btw)

Well, I suppose I’d have had to introduce myself eventually. My name is Atria, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.

Cool, same to you.

Deleted user

Show of hands who thinks Baylee is adorable bcs he. Def is. Adorable loser



See? Others agree too.

You can still be an asshole and be adorable.

I mean– look at me. I'm hot as fuck and a major bitch. :D

@Pickles group

I'm going to be quietly rude to all the people I can't stand but can't say anything to because they'll get all offended and everyone will say, "you're being mean Pickles there's no excuse for that" because honestly, I hate them and I find them annoying as heck but I can't name people because they're on notebook and I don't want everyone to hate me
That is all, thank you

Deleted user

Show of hands who thinks Baylee is adorable bcs he. Def is. Adorable loser



See? Others agree too.

You can still be an asshole and be adorable.

I mean– look at me. I'm hot as fuck and a major bitch. :D



Deleted user

I'm going to be quietly rude to all the people I can't stand but can't say anything to because they'll get all offended and everyone will say, "you're being mean Pickles there's no excuse for that" because honestly, I hate them and I find them annoying as heck but I can't name people because they're on notebook and I don't want everyone to hate me
That is all, thank you


Aggressive mood

@HighPockets group

Like, the sheer pettiness it takes to make a diet rudeness chat bc you got booted is absolutely hilarious to me.
It's like "Vader naming a work camp after Obi-Wan" levels of petty.

Deleted user


Now I'm just confused.

It was just general complaining, Pickles

@Pickles group


Now I'm just confused.

It was just general complaining, Pickles

I'm confused because she told me to stop and then agreed with Jynnie who was talking about a specific person