forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


thicc is the best tho

i’m 160 and 5’7

so be careful what you say about thicc 👀

and also sometimes bois like them thicc

(i can speak from experience)

I have no problem with other people being thicc
I only have problem with me being thicc


Me, laying on my side: Hhhh painful, uncomfy, must be these stupid pants
My bony ass hips and not my sweatpants: Think again, bitch

You should eAt MoRe. I'm seriously concerned about your hEalTh.



I w a n t t o b e p r e t t y a n d I c a n ' t b e p r e t t y i f I e a t t h r e e m e a l s a d a y , d a m m i t

t h e f u c k y o u m e a n? o f c o u r s e y o u c a n. I n n o b o o k i s p r e t t y w r i t t e n a s a l l s k i n a n d b o n e. Y o u d o n ' t h a v e t o b e a s t i c k t o b e b e a u t i f u l.

Hhhhhhh but I look better when I'm not thicc

It's not a matter of if you're thicc or not. You need to be h e a l t h y. You can be pretty, you can also not be thicc at the same time. Just because you don't want to be thicc, doesn't mean you have to be skin and bones.

B u t I ' m n o t. Since I still eat, my body doesn't want to lose more weight
Fuckin'… just because I'm older than I was last year and last year I was 89 pounds (or less) doesn't mean I can't now
Fuck science
Fuck biology

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Me, laying on my side: Hhhh painful, uncomfy, must be these stupid pants
My bony ass hips and not my sweatpants: Think again, bitch

You should eAt MoRe. I'm seriously concerned about your hEalTh.



I w a n t t o b e p r e t t y a n d I c a n ' t b e p r e t t y i f I e a t t h r e e m e a l s a d a y , d a m m i t

I think the fuck not.

Deleted user

thicc is good
thicc beans give the best hugs

you bet your sparkles they fucking do

@Anemone eco

Me, laying on my side: Hhhh painful, uncomfy, must be these stupid pants
My bony ass hips and not my sweatpants: Think again, bitch

You should eAt MoRe. I'm seriously concerned about your hEalTh.



I w a n t t o b e p r e t t y a n d I c a n ' t b e p r e t t y i f I e a t t h r e e m e a l s a d a y , d a m m i t

I think the fuck not.

Dom the Dad has spoken lmao.


Dom's like, nineteen or something. I would be very concerned if you were my dad. You would have been like four when I was conceived
love you tho

@Anemone eco


Wait a sec, what happened to the purple-haired raccoon? Did my phone glitch out or smth?!

Ai, most likely. I do believe it was on the page prior to this one.

Deleted user

Not eating three meals a day is actually okay! As long as you have ONE meal a day that is full of all kinds of healthy foods (hit your main food groups! Protein, protein, protein!!) and is on the moderate to large side.

The rest of the day can be full of healthy snacks. (Them F R U I T S)

I understand the struggle.
I usually can only eat once a day. Dinner usually and I make it fun by experimenting with different flavors and using the culinary degree I got for shits and giggles apparently. lol

The rest of the day I usually will snack hard core. Seasonal fruits being my favorite.
I stan veggies as well.

Or sometimes I crave the crunch factor and have a homemade trailmix with all my favorites.

Food doesn't have to be stressful. You just need to make it intriguing for yourself

@HighPockets group

I got some good food for when I'm quarantined though. Some good instant noodles (the ramen aisle at Woodmans looked like a crime scene, there was ramen everywhere-), a guava soda because I love guava flavored stuff, and some fancy hummus.