forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

The kind of politician I want to be is the kind that is classified as a 'Disney Villain' or 'Supreme Leader' or 'Sith'.

@The-Magician group

So… I just read through the whole body positivity thing.
So I’m 5’7 and roughly 80kg, and I don’t eat meals. Like I haven’t had anything that could be classed as a meal for over 4 months now. Oh and my drinking has gone out of the window too.
Today it got to the point where I was smoking on an empty stomach and felt like throwing up. One of my friends forced a bottle of tropical juice down my throat earlier, and someone from work took me out to a cafe without giving me a choice.. and now I feel sick.
Eating makes me sick, drinking makes me sick, breathing makes me sick, walking makes me sick.

And this all started because I wanted to be a stick like my younger sister.
Caustic, please.. I’m begging you, put some weight on. The starvation is killing me, but I feel sick if I eat. I don’t want you ending up like me, because this state really fucking sucks.


I'm still eating, don't worry. Maybe not as much as I should, but I'm eating. I still live with my parents (and will for two and a half ish more years…), so I can't exactly just not eat anything at all. They'd notice

@The-Magician group

I'm still eating, don't worry. Maybe not as much as I should, but I'm eating. I still live with my parents (and will for two and a half ish more years…), so I can't exactly just not eat anything at all. They'd notice

That’s what I thought.. however I’m slowly becoming invisible to my family. They know I’m not eating properly, but they didn’t realise that all I had yesterday was some bread, and that’s all I had the day before as well.. the day before that I had half a small bottle of orange juice and half a cup of coffee. All I had today was a slice of vegan cake and a bowl of peas, and even that was reluctant.

Side note:
My work colleagues know I want to die, they know I’m starving myself and forcing myself to throw up because I feel so sick.. yet one of them is forcing me to eat, another is forcing me to drink, someone else is forcing me to take my meds.. while my head boss is constantly checking up on me. I feel like such a burden to everyone, and I constantly wish that I was normal and happy.. but oh well

Deleted user

but of course. I'm still shopping for a villa to rule from

Deleted user

all I need is three– sticks??? of sage

or lavender

or rosemary

Deleted user

Yum. Though I probably wouldn't eat lavender. It's not as nice.

It's not to eat.