forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

Me: Swinging with my brother at school playground
Me: Sees familiar people in distance. Pulls out phone, keeps swinging
The people are now right behind me. They are just who I thought they were: The two homophobic guys, one of which was onc one of my closest friends, and the other my best friend's ex-boyfriend.
Them: Start yelling my name. I close my eyes and try to ignore them.
Them: Laughing Ooooh, I don't think she likes us.
Them: Lucas {my brother}, can she hear us?
Lucas: Miriam?
Me: Yes?
Lucas: Can you hear them?
Me: Oh yeah.
Him: Seems to understand. nods and ignores them as well.
Them: Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriammmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Them: Mimiiiiii
Them: Miiiir! Mimi!!
Them: after a while get bored and stop. I get up, walk past them {still ignoring them}, and go the fuck home.

@Pickles group

I don't understand why boys say, "oooh, I don't think she likes us" when you ignore them? Like, no shit, Sherlock, of course I don't like you. You're an ass and I'm ignoring you. What else would be happening?

@HighPockets group

Okay I just found out that Jyn has a character based on me a little bit and I'm so honored. I also know Eris has two guys that have hints of me. So. Who else does this? And based on whom?
Is this in the wrong chat? Yes! But this seems to be the general hang out.

Honestly you being so excited over Beck has absolutely made my day, I'm the honored one.

@HighPockets group

I throw little hints of my friends' personalities in every character, so technically you, izzy, mir, eris, midnight, emi, jyn, shuri, and a few others all have characters based on them in a way

Ahhhhhhhh I'm honored!!!!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I have Combos

Is this reference to a drink? Because if it's not it could mean that you are saying that you have multiple characters that are a blend of people that you are either friendly with or have had a great impact on your life and why don't we all have that?

@Anemone eco

I have Combos

Is this reference to a drink? Because if it's not it could mean that you are saying that you have multiple characters that are a blend of people that you are either friendly with or have had a great impact on your life and why don't we all have that?

No, Dom. Combos are a snack food

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Okay I just found out that Jyn has a character based on me a little bit and I'm so honored. I also know Eris has two guys that have hints of me. So. Who else does this? And based on whom?
Is this in the wrong chat? Yes! But this seems to be the general hang out.

Honestly you being so excited over Beck has absolutely made my day, I'm the honored one.

Ooh yay!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I have Combos

Is this reference to a drink? Because if it's not it could mean that you are saying that you have multiple characters that are a blend of people that you are either friendly with or have had a great impact on your life and why don't we all have that?

No, Dom. Combos are a snack food

Ah. It prompted a good idea though.

@Anemone eco

I have crippling anxiety

Edit: i don't actually. or at least i don't think i do. it was just a vine reference.

Ah, okay.

Deleted user

I have a slushee. It's cherry limeade with Nerds and I love it.

that sounds fire negl