forum Deeper knowledge into the souls inside (Not for the narrow minded)
Started by @The-Magician group

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Deleted user

lee is gender fluid if i'm not mistaken?? and bisexual i believe??

@The-Magician group

I will never answer the question of Lee's biological sex.
It is something that even the people he works with are questioning, and Lee himself refuses to answer.
Although, Mx Ruby is correct, Lee is genderfluid (and he is literally cool with any pronoun. Even it.)

@Moxie group

If you don't mind me asking, what did you look like before… you know, this?

You want to know??

I'm curious. You don't have to share if you don't want to

I'm also curious.


Same. I’m just curious what all of you look like in general
Also, how do you know what each other looks like? Is it from memories or do you just kind of know?

@The-Magician group

What are your favorite and least favorite things about Lee's life?

Fav: Being young again. Because when you're 28 with the body of an 18 year old, it gets boring after a while.
Least fav: Not being able to be myself.

Deleted user

if you dont mind me asking, because i've already forgotten, what are you?? like, not to sound rude, but, weren't you a werewolf? or something? i've forgotten, im so sorry if i've offended you!

@The-Magician group

still am an incubus, just can't manifest a physical form
It's both fun and restricting.
I'm not going to sit here and say all the sex was great, because it wasn't. But surprisingly I wasn't always summoned just for that.
And life at home with my siblings was great! Every full moon or when there was a storm, we would go outside to the courtyard, dance and play music. (We don't talk about my parents, so my siblings are the only family members I acknowledge)

@Pickles group

Are there any people you like that Lee doesn't or that Lee likes that you don't? You don't have to name specific people, just yes, no, or no comment

@The-Magician group

An incubus is a male sex demon.
And yes, there are a few. But they're not nice people anyway.
One in particular talks about Lee behind his back (I'm thinking it's because he's jealous of Lee), but then he looks Lee in the eye while pretending to be his friend.

Deleted user

I'm glad, Eris.
As we speak I have an open tab with our RP and a half-written response.
This is something I am genuinely invested in, and I don't usually give my time to things.

As always, I am patient. You needn't stress over any obligation to me or the RP. You get to it, when you get to it. :D


I'v kind of just been reading this, and honestly I find this entire chat just, kind of fascinating.
I do not have any personal experience with any kin of my own, just the views of my friends who also experience something similar, and I love hearing and learning from others who go through this. Learning from them and their past lives, what they know and what they've done. So yeah I just want to say this chat's amazing.

@The-Magician group

Me (Lee). For the most part I have control of mental shift.
There are some circumstances where I don't have control, as there are certain triggers that will cause a shift to happen.
But yeah, most of the time it's down to me