forum Deeper knowledge into the souls inside (Not for the narrow minded)
Started by @The-Magician group

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Ah, well, hello! I'm Reed.
What do you do for fun when you're shifted? Do you just go about how Lee would normally spend his day or are there certain things you like to do?

@The-Magician group

There are plenty of things I would love to do ;)
But alas… For the most part I go about what Lee would be doing instead, hence why I had to sit in an Art class when I can't even draw.
When I'm not being a college student, I'm playing my guitar, trying not to set the kitchen on fire with my terrible cooking (although I don't see a problem with ramen and raw eggs), and brooding over the fact that my girlfriend refuses to come and play whenever Lee is at his boyfriend's house.. How I miss my Aria

Deleted user

Oof, what's your favorite type of music then?
And I envy the fact that you can play guitar. I can only sing and that's at the time where I'm not coughing my lungs out thanks to my cough.

@The-Magician group

I don't really have a favorite if I'm honest, though I do like a good bit of alternative rock, hard rock and post-grunge.
Yeah I feel you, Lee has been sick for like a week now, though it is fading, but if anything it's a blessing because it makes his voice deeper than it already is

@The-Magician group

Well, since the body is Lee's, we feel his sickness when we are shifted.
Which is why we are trying not to.
Don't get me wrong, we love shifting—getting restless is something we struggle with—but when Lee is ill it isn't nice for us.
Atria in particular doesn't like constantly sneezing.

@The-Magician group

Yes, we do.
For the RPs that we are currently part of (and private ones related to main ones):

Heist Squad: Daro, Myself and Lee
Blasphemy: Me
Family Dinners: Lee
Wonderland: Me and Daro
Snake in a hen house: Me and Scar
Magic Controlled: Lee
One with the Animals: Atria and Lee
The Assassiness: Lily and Scar
Constellation Knights: Lee
The thief who stole your heart: Lee
Private with Emi: Lee
Private with WWIWB: Me and Lee

Most RPs that have anything gay in them are my work, occasionally Scar will chip in.
Anything violent is myself, Scar and Daro.

@The-Magician group

There is an 8 book series that Lee is writing at the moment.
Depending on the content of each book depends on who helps her.
The only ones who do not have any affiliation with writing are Fern and Una.

Deleted user

Oh dear, I apologize for my shitty writing and story skills in the Wonderland one that you have to deal with XD

@The-Magician group

No no!! Reed it's actually a pleasure working with you, I love the chemistry between our two characters. Don't put yourself down like that, you're doing a great job

Deleted user

Aw! Thanks Danny Dude!
My mental health and actual health went downhill, so I haven't been responding as much as I should.
I will, however, say that I can and will kill for Aloysius. If he doesn't kill me XD

Deleted user

(Please can you move the conversation to another location? Not to sound rude.)

(Rodger that! Off topic messages deleted!)

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Blasphemy: Me

I had a feeling this was the case. Something about how Solaris is undeniably, yet totally subtle in his sexiness. I do love it.

@The-Magician group

I'm glad, Eris.
As we speak I have an open tab with our RP and a half-written response.
This is something I am genuinely invested in, and I don't usually give my time to things.