forum Deeper knowledge into the souls inside (Not for the narrow minded)
Started by @The-Magician group

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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(also please tell me if I accidentally say something offensive, and I'm really sorry in advance if I do)


(I don't plan on saying much, mostly just stalking for curiosity… But still)

Deleted user

Thank you so much for tagging me, Lee!

First question: Did you get clinically diagnosed with this, or is it more of a self discover thing? What is the diagnosis process like, if so?

I'd like to make it clear that I'm not saying I don't believe you nor that it's not legit without a diagnosis. I do believe 100%, I just have really weird questions lol

@The-Magician group

So the way someone discovers if they are a Therian or not is most commonly through meditation or through sleep.
For me, it was a mixture of both. And I'm not going to sit here and say "oh my gods like a wolf appeared in my dreams so therefore they must be my kin!"—it wasn't that easy.

As for the kins being real, well, a Therian isn't going to turn around and say "no they're not real, I'm just pretending"—because how sad is that? My kins are real, they had their own lives, they have shown me what it was like. It's difficult to explain to someone who isn't a Therian because then it's all up to whether or not they're willing to believe. What I know is my truth, is the truth of other Therians, whether or not you believe is all down to you.

Deleted user

So, your kin have been alive but now are deceased and living through you?

@The-Magician group

That is the way I believe it to be, yes.
I believe that their souls were misplaced and are now trapped inside my own body, and only once I die shall they move on.

@Pickles group

So will they, like, go to the afterlife or whatever or just be trapped in someone else? Do you think that'll happen to you? sorry if that sounds rude, I'm just curious and bad at phrasing things

@The-Magician group

When I pass away, my soul and theirs will all pass on through the afterlife just as if they were any other soul.
It's sad to think about really, because while on the outside only 1 person has died, in reality it is 8 souls who are passing on.

@Pickles group

Do you know how they got misplaced? Like, was there some disruption when they died or something? Did they all die around or at the same time? I didn't realize I had so many questions lol

Deleted user

i guess it would be they get to live life.. again?? idk, maybe live a BETTER life than before?

Deleted user

okay, well i guess that's something they might or might not agree with aha

@The-Magician group

It's not just that.
Atria, Fern and Una lived out in the wild and feared being hunted, they now live in safe confinement.
Scarlett lived in a mansion and spent her time hunting and slaughtering humans, but she was confined dusk until dawn. Now, she lives in a normal house, killing is illegal, but she can be outside during any time of the day.
Danny was a bound incubus with a rather graphic upbringing, now he lives a free man but he misses the things he used to do.
Lily and Daro…well I think they are self explanatory. Daro hates the daytime but he is forced to go out in it. Lily hates what the world has become. Those two have been alive long enough, now they're just tired.

Deleted user

How is it for your kins to be within someone they (at least one point in time) either considered food and/or an enemy?

(Also– hello my dear and thank you for tagging me! <3)

@The-Magician group

Atria, Fern and Una don't really show any contempt towards the situation.
Scar still doesn't quite like the concept of it, though I made a compromise with her and now she's civil.
I don't really have a response for the others, you'd have to ask them I guess.

(And you're very welcome)

Deleted user

So, I'm sorry if this has already been addressed and I'm just too dumb to understand it, but did all the kin live in someone else before? The same person? And do you know what caused the souls to be manifested in you instead of going straight to the afterlife?