forum Deeper knowledge into the souls inside (Not for the narrow minded)
Started by @The-Magician group

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@The-Magician group

So yes, here we are.
After spending the entire day with a migraine because I told a certain vampire "No", I've given in and decided to do what will possibly ruin my reputation.
As the title states, this thread is not for the narrow minded. If you are part of this thread it is because you are genuinely interested in the things we have to say. If you are here to leave hate or cause trouble, I suggest you quit before you've even started because you do not want to see us when we are pissed off.

Tagging those whom I think will be interested (though of course, anyone can join):

Just before I make this official, I do have a few points:

  1. I, Lee, am the host, and I am in control of what happens.
  2. Each kin is their own being, do not treat them all the same.
  3. A couple of them are prone to violence, take no notice, that can not harm you so long as I have control.
  4. If you want to speak to a particular one, don’t be afraid to ask. The more I shift the stronger I can make the connections between us.
  5. No, I do not think I am a werewolf. Never have, never will.
  6. Try not to be insensitive, at least 5 of them have seen a lot of shit in their time and some of them have pretty bad pasts.
  7. Some mature things will be spoken about should the topic arise, so if things like that are something you're not comfortable with, please state when joining the thread (e.g. "Just so you know, I'm not comfortable with [insert certain topic(s)]") and censors will hopefully be used.

I think that's everything for the time being, let's just see how this goes.

@Moxie group

Coolio, will do! ^-^
(also please tell me if I accidentally say something offensive, and I'm really sorry in advance if I do)
If I may, where do you go when a kin is (shifted? using your body? sorry, I don't know the terminology)? Like are you just spectating?

@The-Magician group

If I'm quite honest, I don't go anywhere.
I'm not really sure how to explain it, but when a kin is shifted, I am them. So in a sense I don't actually go anywhere, but then it isn't me who is there. Does that make sense?

@Moxie group

Kind of? Is it kinda like if you mix blue paint with red paint? Like the red paint is still there, but it's not red paint anymore? Or is that a bad analogy?

Deleted user

so, you are conscious in the body but you personally aren't controlling the body???

@The-Magician group

Mainly meditation, although as of late I've been finding written notes scattered about and in my books etc, some of which are so poorly written that I know they're Danny's.

Deleted user

i bet, how do you, personally, feel about being a multiple?? (pleas elet me know if you dont like being referred to as that!)

Deleted user

well, there is more than one of you guys, so that would consider you a multiple, again, please let me know if you dont want to be referred as that

@The-Magician group

Okay so first up, as I said in the first point, I am the host.
The others are my kins, I am a Therian.
As for how I feel about being one, well I don't really have a clear opinion.
It's both good and bad? I don't know, because this is something I was born as…