forum Deeper knowledge into the souls inside (Not for the narrow minded)
Started by @The-Magician group

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How difficult was your childhood?
(I'm referring to Lee's childhood, him having kin in his body)

@The-Magician group

Lee’s awakening happened when he was 9, and he didn’t actually know what was going on. All he knew was that Atria was there, and she was likely a figment of his imagination. Everything seemed to be okay, he realised that Atria is real and the two of them developed the bond between them. She comforted him when his stepdad hurt him, she was the fire in his eyes when someone insulted him.
Everything seemed to be okay, until he found Scar. She made him violent, a thief, a liar. She tried to kill his sister——who was only a year old at the time, she made him steal money from his mum’s purse, and she made him lie in order to get out of situations. She was the reason he didn’t have many friends. Though she’s smart, incredibly clever. Every time there was a group task or a pop quiz, everyone wanted to be with Lee because “he” was smart. Anyone with Lee would always get full marks and a reward. Whenever it was a free for all type of quiz, more often than not Scarlett would win.
Coincidentally, Scarlett was also the reason Lee was house captain, prefect, and got a boyfriend towards the end of year 6 (they broke up, but it was a mutual agreement).
I don’t know what age childhood goes up to soooooooooo that’s all I really can say for “childhood”

@The-Magician group

I’m alright thank you, Scarlett’s boy friend is keeping me company 😊 How are you….Nina? I’m sorry, I’m not sure which one it is right now 😞

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yeah, it's nina right now. thats good that scarletts boy friend is keeping you company!

(my bad dearie)

@The-Magician group

Uhm I assume he’s okay.
He sorted things out with Aria I believe, though I haven’t seen him for a while.
We have a google docs that’s kind of like a group chat, and he hasn’t been active on it so I’m assuming he’s resting

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Oh, hello Fern if you're still there, it's nice to (formally) meet you!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Greetings Fern. As previously seen and commented upon, I can be extremely blunt. I believe I have a… well condition isn’t quite the right word, in fact I consider it a blessing at times, where I do not process human emotion as others do, and therefore, am prone to thinking, and therefore acting, a little differently from much of humanity.

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Ay Fern
I'm Miriam, or Miri
Bisexual {though it doesn't really matter ig lol}
I'm married to Scarlett
I have a DID alter named Leo who comes out sometimes and is about to–